VAC and veteran volunteers team up to assist fellow veterans in need

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[June 22, 2018]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Last week volunteers participated in a very special event orchestrated by the Logan County Veteran's Commission. After the recent passing of a local veteran, the family needed to take away a wheelchair ramp that had been placed at the veteran's home.

Several veterans gathered to assist in taking the ramp apart and removing it for the family. Even as the work was going on word came in that another veteran had found that he would be needing a wheelchair ramp at his home.

The volunteers took the ramp apart at one house, loaded it up and took it to its new home, where they decided how to go about retro-fitting the existing ramp to meet the needs of their new recipient.

Thanks to a very talented group of volunteers, a World War II veteran can now navigate getting into and out of his home. And, the entire project was completed in time for lunch.

The Veteran's Assistance Commission is equipped to help with these kinds of needs for any veteran in our county. They will accept donations of unneeded items and will re-assign those items to those who do need them.

At the moment, the VAC also has access to a limited number of hospital beds, scooters, wheelchairs, and walkers. Anyone who would like to donate may contact Dan Benedict at the VAC office by calling 217-732-8388.

Anyone who has a need for medical equipment or a ramp may also contact Benedict.

Pictures by Joe Schaler







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