Atlanta Ag 4-H members learn about soil pH

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[May 26, 2018]     Send a link to a friend  Share

The Atlanta Ag’s May 4-H meeting got a little dirty!!!

4-H members learned about Soil pH.

Each person picked a fruit or vegetable taped to a popsicle stick. They checked to see what the pH level should be for the item they picked. We had 3 cups of soil – one had levels of highly acidic, one that was neutral, and one had high levels of alkaline.

Members noticed that the Illinois soil with a NEUTRAL pH level grows a lot of things we eat.  Kids learned that plants need a balanced diet from the soil just like we need to feed our bodies with good nutrients to support our growth.

Submitted by Cindy Schempp

Cavit and Molly Schempp


Soil pH test

Atlanta Ag 4-H members testing the soil



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