Logan County 4-H Clubs participate in Window Display Contest

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[October 16, 2018]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Logan County 4-H clubs recently participated in a 4-H Window Display Contest throughout the county as part of National 4-H Week activities October 7 – 13, 2018. This year’s theme is “Inspire Kids to Do“. Clubs which participated included: Atlanta Ag (at Johnson Real Estate in Atlanta); Cloverdale 4-H (window at Lincoln IGA); Middletown 4-Hers (at the New Holland Middletown School in Middletown), The Pioneers (D’ Fade’s Barber Shop in Lincoln) and Wide-A-Wake 4-H (window at Pink Shutter in Lincoln).

First place went to The Pioneers with their display at the D’ Fade’s Barber Shop in Lincoln.


Second place was awarded to Wide-A-Wake for their window display at The Pink Shutter.

Third place went to Middletown 4-Hers for their display at the New Holland Middletown School.

Other participants also did well with fourth place awarded to Atlanta Ag for their display at Johnson Real Estate in Atlanta and fifth place going to Cloverdale 4-H at the Lincoln IGA.

For additional information about the 4-H program in Logan County individuals can contact the Logan County U of I Extension Office at 217-732-8289 or visit us “On-Line” at: http://web.extension.illinois.edu/lms/logan4h

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