Cut the grass, recycle fall leaves, and improve
the soil with a pass of the lawn mower. Shred leaves and leave them
on the lawn as you mow this fall. As long as you can see the grass
through the leaf pieces, the lawn will be fine. As the leaves break
down, they add organic matter to the soil, improving drainage in
clay soil and water-holding ability in sandy soils.
Or, as an alternative, use excess leaves as a soil mulch. Shred the
leaves with your mower and spread a layer over the soil to conserve
moisture and insulate the roots of perennials.
Improve your lawn’s health by fertilizing this fall with a low
nitrogen slow release fertilizer, like Milorganite. You’ll reduce
the risk of disease problems and with slower weed growth in fall,
your lawn, not the weeds, will benefit from the nutrients. Fall
fertilization also helps lawns recover from the stresses of summer
by encouraging deep roots and denser growth that can better compete
with weeds and tolerate disease and insects.
Northern gardeners should fertilize again around Halloween. Southern
gardeners should make their last fall fertilization at least 30 days
before the lawn goes dormant or the average first killing frost to
avoid winter kill.

Do a bit of planting. Fall is a good time to plant perennials, trees
and shrubs. The soil is warm and the air cooler, so the plants are
less stressed and establish more quickly. Select plants suited to
the growing conditions and be sure to give them plenty of room to
reach their mature size.
Plant daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs in fall for extra
color next spring. Set the bulbs at a depth of two to three times
their height deep. Then cover them with soil and sprinkle on a low
nitrogen slow release fertilizer. This type of fertilizer promotes
rooting without stimulating fall growth subject to winter kill.
[to top of second column] |

Base your bulb planting time on the weather not the
calendar. Start planting after the night-time temperatures hover
between 40 and 50 degrees. Be patient, waiting until the soil cools
reduces the risk of early sprouting that often occurs during a warm
Those gardening in the far south and along the gulf
coast can purchase pre-cooled bulbs to compensate for the warm
winters. Or the chilling can be done at home by storing the bulbs in
a 35- to 45-degree location for at least 14 weeks before planting.
Leave healthy perennials stand for winter. Not only do they provide
homes for many of our native pollinators, but they increase
hardiness and add beauty to the winter landscape with their seed
heads, dried foliage and the birds they attract. Plus, this delays
your cleanup until spring when gardeners are anxious to get outdoors
and start gardening.
However, be sure to remove any diseased or insect-infested plants to
reduce the source of pest problems in next year’s garden.
Start composting or add shredded leaves and other plant debris to an
existing compost pile. Combine fall leaves with other plant waste, a
bit of soil or compost, and sprinkle with fertilizer to create
compost. Recycling yard waste saves time bagging, hauling and
disposing of green debris. You’ll also reduce or eliminate the need
to buy soil amendments to improve your existing garden soil.
Incorporating one or all these practices will increase the health
and beauty of your landscape now and for years to come.
[Photo credit: Melinda Myers, LLC]
Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including
Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow
Anything: Food Gardening for Everyone” DVD set and the nationally
syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio segments. Myers’ web
site is