Illinois 4-H Foundation inducts 2018 Hall of Fame class
Inductees include John and Annie Coers of New Holland

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[September 06, 2018] 

The Illinois 4-H Foundation annually recognizes 4-H volunteers for exemplary service to the Illinois 4-H program. This year, 67 new members were inducted into the Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame during a celebration Tuesday, Aug. 14 at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. This year celebrated the 14-year anniversary of the award, said Angie Barnard, Illinois 4-H Foundation executive director.

“These long-time volunteers fully embody what 4-H strives to instill in youth,” Barnard said. “They are caring, dedicated, generous leaders, and the Illinois 4-H Foundation is extremely proud to be able to provide this honor to each and every one of them to thank them for their service to this wonderful organization.”

“As a result of these volunteers’ years of service and leadership to Illinois 4-H,” Barnard said, “the program they love will continue to create wonderful opportunities for the young people whose lives it touches.”

Included in the Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame Class of 2018 were John and Annie Coers from Logan County who are long time leaders of the Hollander 4-H Club.

Patty Huffer, Extension Program Coordinator for Youth Development in Logan County, stated in Coers’ nomination “John & Annie Coers have been leaders of the Hollanders 4-H club in Logan County for the past 14 years. They work hard to provide club meetings that include planned activities, field trips, and community service opportunities to keep youth active and involved.

"Their club received Farm Credit Community Improvement grants in the past spearheaded by the Coers' and planted flowers at the New Holland Community Center where their club meetings are held to beautify the grounds and surrounding community.

"John also serves as the 4-H Sheep Superintendent and Annie assists as a 'recorder' - they put a lot of effort each year into making a special 'awards area' for photo opportunities and instituted a 4-H Alumni Showmanship contest at the sheep show which had many participants who enjoyed being in the contest.

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"Logan County feels lucky to have both John & Annie as leaders and supporters of the 4-H program!”

The Illinois 4-H Foundation established the statewide Hall of Fame in 2004 to honor and celebrate extraordinary 4-H alumni, volunteers, and former 4-H staff. Each inductee received a commemorative Hall of Fame medallion.

“The Foundation provides avenues to continue to support the work of Illinois 4-H by accepting financial gifts specifically directed to the program you wish to support,” Barnard said. “Estate planning services are available to those wishing to continue their 4-H legacy.”

The Illinois 4-H Foundation raises private funds that are invested in Illinois 4-H programs that provide meaningful, positive development experiences for Illinois youth to develop leadership, citizenship, and life skills. To learn more, visit:

[Text provided by Patty Huffer]

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