
Easter Devotional
Opening locked doors
By Pastor Candida Turner
Immanuel Lutheran Church

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[April 07, 2019]  Author and theologian Frederick Buechner writes, “Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.”

This is what I think of when I consider the stories of Jesus appearing to his disciples not very long after his resurrection.

Especially the story of Jesus coming among them in the locked room. He doesn’t scold them for being afraid and locked away, but he does send them back out into the world to keep on teaching and forgiving sins.

As I picture that story, I often get an image of Jesus, together with the disciples in that room, opening up the window and looking out into the world. A world that for the moment may have looked peaceful, but also a world that they all knew contained turmoil. Or as Buechner said, beautiful and terrible things.

As we observe Lent in my congregation, we have six weeks to intentionally consider what it means that Christ died for us. As we look to Easter, we enter into a season of the church year where we have weeks to consider what it means that Christ also lived for us.

In worship we will hear again the experiences of the disciples as Jesus came among them wherever they happened to be. The interactions were similar each time, including things like: 1) Jesus sharing his peace; 2) having a meal together; 3) Jesus blessing them; and 4) being sent out into the world to continue making disciples.

In all they did, they carried the news of the risen Christ with them. Along the way they encountered many terrible things, and some of them became martyrs for their faith.

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But there were also many beautiful things. Whole families came to believe; people were healed; and God’s word was shared to the ends of the earth and back again.

Those disciples were human just like the rest of us and had their moments of struggle, when they probably wondered why in the world they were doing what they were doing. But then again, they already knew that answer. They were doing what they were doing because of the strength they gathered from their faith and trust in Jesus.

When we look out into our world, we see that both beautiful and terrible things continue to happen. And it is easy to become afraid or overwhelmed.

But Jesus invites us, even if we have locked ourselves away for a time, to open at least a window and peer out into the world. It is then that we just might see many beautiful things. ~ Beautiful things which point to the presence of a risen Savior who still loves his people, sinful though we may be. ~ Beautiful things which help us to navigate the terrible. ~ And beautiful things which give us the strength and courage to continue serving our risen Christ.



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