Atlanta Ag elects new officer during October meeting

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[November 13, 2019]     Send a link to a friend  Share

It was a beautiful fall afternoon in October when Atlanta Ag 4-H gathered for their monthly meeting and a family wiener roast! Our guest speaker was John Nafziger. John is the owner of Hopedale Agri Center, Inc. John shared with the club Animal Nutrition and how each animal needs certain nutrients based on their animal type.

Atlanta Ag 4-H Cloverbuds also learned about Animal Nutrition. Molly Schempp, Cloverbud Leader, and Cindy Schempp, 4-H Leader, led the kids in an activity to understand the job of an Animal Nutritionist and what happens at a Feed Mill. The kids chose to be a chicken or a pig and then crushed up the food in smaller pieces so it is easier for the animals to eat. After the activity, Cloverbuds presented what they learned to the 4-H Club!

Atlanta Ag 4-H elected officers for the upcoming year.

Pictures by Kim Carlock

Left to right, those officers are: Rose Catterson, Secretary; Cavit Schempp, Clover Bud Leader; Mary Carlock, Clover Bud Leader; Jamie Carlock, President; Winton Carlock, Treasurer; Spencer Williams, Reporter and Molli Rose Williams, Historian.





Guest speaker was John Nafziger


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