Gardens are also social assets because it brings
your neighbors around from time to time to see what you are up to or
ask about a particular plant they might see in your lawn.
Gardening is enjoyable, but it is also a good amount of work if
you’re going to do it right. And, like any other task you perform
from day to day, having the right tool for the job will make the
work less taxing and more rewarding in the end.
To start out, here are a couple of cute little videos that are not
really necessary to the gardener for the most part. There are a
couple of exceptions that will be pointed out later, but mostly
these are gadgets to enjoy.
gardening inventions that can help you a lot
This video is just fun to watch. While there are a number of these
tools that may not be needed in the average lawn or garden, it was
interesting to see what creative minds come up with.
The one tool the video features that could be useful to everyone is
the weed puller made by Fiskars. The tool has a sharp knife-like
head that allows the user to drive it into the earth easily then a
quick twist and that nasty weed is out of the ground.
While the first two videos were at least entertaining, this next
video gives you some more practical advice for what you need to
maintain a nice lawn and garden.

Eight amazing
garden tools you should have
This video kicks off with a small electric tiller that looks like a
real winner for the avid gardener. While it isn’t the one you want
for tilling the entire garden if the garden is large, this machine
is small and easy to maneuver between the rows when the garden is at
full growth.
The Chipper Joe is another hand tool if you have a lot of trees in
your yard.
Our favorite tool in this video might be the clog free leaf rake.
The video promises that the rake will not clog up which is a
wonderful idea, if it works.
Having a good garden includes not just the right rake or hoe. There
are other tools and accessories that can make the job easier and
also make the garden more attractive. This video walks you through
the advice of one avid gardener about what everyone should have on
hand during the growing season.
Must have
tools and accessories for your garden shed!
Included in the video is advice on what chemicals to have on hand
along with hand sprayers. While there is a push to keep life natural
and not use chemicals, in the garden sometimes the best defense
against pests and weeds are to take those offensive chemicals to the
garden and give everything a good spray.

Another gadget that is great to have is the garden
clips shown in the video. The narrator noted that they are great for
attaching climbing plants to fence wire or posts.

Locally, there is one gardener who uses these clips
by the hundreds in his tomato garden. He puts the clip around the
stem of the tomato plant as it grows and attaches the clip to a
string stretched between metal posts.

The plants stay off the ground, they grow straight
and in rows and at harvest time, the fruit is easy to see and easy
to pick. Extra tip – for large tomato gardens, if you want to use
this method, the best string to use is plastic baler twine sold at
the local Big R in Lincoln.
[to top of second column] |
 The tools mentioned in the video are also ones
that are known to some local gardeners. The stirrup hoe is a great
tool for scraping weeds between plants. It does not disturb the soil
between the plants, and it keeps the garden area looking nice a
The garden hoe is also a good tool to have for the garden. Note that
it is very different from the leaf rake seen earlier. It is
different because it’s purpose is different. A garden hoe can be
used for cultivating the soil lightly with a dig of no more than a
couple of inches. It is great for spreading mulch and also aerating
mulch from time to time. The key to any
garden is having the right tool for the job, especially in turning
the soil or cultivating.
Cultivating is a season long process. Throughout the gardening
season avid gardeners know that the soil cannot be ignored if you
want healthy hardy plants. Breaking up soil to allow moisture to
reach the roots of the plants is important.
It is also important to have a really good planting bed. The beds
are best prepared ahead of planting to allow the soil to mellow a
bit and to take in moisture or dry out excess moisture beneath the
surface before planting.
One can turn the soil with a variety of tools, from small hand held
spades or claws to hoes and even garden tillers.
The next video talks about some very common garden tools that most
avid gardeners will be familiar with. All are intended to be used
for turning and conditioning the soil from step one, preparing a
bed, all the way through the season of weeding.
Choosing the
right garden tools for your vegetable garden
While there has already been made mention of the small electric
garden cultivator or tiller earlier, that machine is not meant to be
the tool you use to prepare your garden for planting. For a small
garden a small tiller is great and there are a variety of those
available from electric to gas powered. The key to choosing these
tillers is ease of use and be sure that it is big enough or small
enough for the job at hand.
Best Garden
Tiller in 2019 - Top 6 Garden Tillers Review
This video walks you through six types and sizes of garden tiller.
The demonstrations appear to be accurate to what experienced
gardeners say about various tillage tools. What is deceiving about
these machines is the turn radius and the muscle power it sometimes
takes to make a short turn. When buying a tiller, be sure to
consider what size garden you will have, but also how much muscle
are you going to be able to put into the job. The heavier and larger
the tiller, the more strength and muscle tone you will need to
manage it.

How to use a
tiller / Tilling an overgrown garden
This is a worthwhile video to watch because it gives the viewer a
more realistic view of what to expect when using a garden tiller.
Note that the tiller jumps around a bit and even though it's a
relatively small tiller, the turns are rough. Don’t be discouraged
by this though. The tiller is doing a great job on the overgrown
garden area, and is well worth the money it costs.
Gardening can be such a joy for people, but don’t be fooled into
thinking there is no work involved. Using the right cultivating and
tillage tools at the start of the season and throughout the summer
will add to the pleasure one derives from a lush green growing