Moksha: A message from Marcia
The Health Benefits of "Earthing"

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[April 23, 2020]   Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd  around the world to promote concern for the Earth.

What a perfect day to sink your bare feet into the warm, grounding soil beneath you.

“Earthing” or “Grounding” means connecting your physical body to the Earth. The practice has become increasingly popular with the realization that we are not connecting to our natural environment as much as previous generations. There’s more evidence coming out that earthing can have benefits by lowering stress, inflammation and pain.

The Journal of Environmental and Public Health states, “It is an established, though not widely appreciated fact, that the Earth’s surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons.

The Earth’s negative charges can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of all body systems which may be important for setting the biological clock, regulating circadian rhythms and balancing cortisol levels.”

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The idea is that by being in touch with the planet, the electrical force coming off the earth is able to help lower inflammation and fight free radicals.

In fact, the term “earthing” has even earned a patent as a natural method for reducing disease-causing inflammation.

The best part is that it’s easy, free and can be done anywhere, anytime. All you have to do is walk barefoot in the grass or any natural surface and allow your skin to be in contact with the Earth.

Next time you need to get your mail, go barefoot. The benefits will add up over time and you cannot overdue it.

[Marcia Cook]


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