Help celebrate our local Covid-19 Hometown Heroes

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[April 25, 2020]    Now thru May 11, Lincoln Daily News is asking its readers to reach out to us and share their stories of Covid-19 Hometown Heroes. Those snippets will be included in a new online magazine that is scheduled to be published on May 15th.

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We all know someone who in our opinion has gone above and beyond to be helpful during the past several weeks, and we want to acknowledge as many of those people as we possibly can.

Of course our frontline workers, the doctors, nurses, CNA’s, the paramedics and fire and rescue and our law enforcement officers are those who are doing their jobs under stressful situations and increased risk to personal health. Those people certainly deserve to be recognized and if someone has impacted you personally and you wish to share, we want to hear from you.

There are others too that have had a positive impact. Those who work in our local grocery stores, coming to work each day knowing they have a job to do and that they may be putting themselves in harm’s way to get it done makes them a hero as well.

We know there are groups, churches, organizations that are doing remarkable things that help those in need in the community and are also helping keep our local restaurants in business. Those people are our heroes as are the people who work in those restaurants.

We think about the neighbors who are just checking in on each other, the dozens of people who have put messages to our postal workers on their windows and sidewalks, thanking them and urging them to stay safe. Those people are heroes, and if one of them has had an impact on you and you wish to share that, we want to hear from you too.

Those postal workers who again come to work each day knowing that they will encounter people and one of those people could be a carrier for the coronavirus deserve to be thanked.

Others that come to mind, the teachers who are going above and beyond to stay in touch with their students and are trying their best to help parents keep their child’s learning on track during this time are also heroes.

We encourage you to think about the people around you, it may be a friend or neighbor, it may be your pharmacist or the pizza delivery guy, but most of us can name at least one person whom we know or have heard about doing something above and beyond to make life a little better for the rest of us right now.

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LDN is asking that you send the name of the person, group, or business that you would like to send a few words of praise for to us for publication in the magazine. Include a few words about why you want to recognize this person, pair or group, and please be sure to give us your name too.

If you have a photo you want to send along as well, that would also be welcomed.

Make those submissions to LDN via our email address ldneditor@lincolndaily  or use the “send message” personal messaging system on our Facebook page.

It doesn’t matter if the same person or organization is submitted multiple times, we want all that we can get. You can also send multiple submissions if there are multiple people you wish to acknowledge.

In addition to these short tributes, the magazine will include re-prints of photos and stories that LDN has run over the past few weeks, and special photos and coverage that has not and will not be published in our daily editions.

A comment made on Friday, April 24th by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo hit home. Paraphrased, he said that he had learned a lesson from his grandmother. She had told him that when times are good it is easy for people to act nice and be perceived as nice. But when times are tough and people are still nice, those are the truly nice people.

Our community is full of those truly nice people and we want to make sure they know how much they are appreciated. We hope you feel the same way!

[Nila Smith]


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