Illinois Prairie Community
Foundation awards grants to 73 programs in McLean, DeWitt,
Livingston and Logan counties
Five in Logan County
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[April 30, 2020]
Illinois Prairie Community Foundation has awarded $139,311 in three
categories of grants to 73 programs in McLean, DeWitt, Livingston
and Logan counties. Grants ranged from $500 to $5,505. Funding came
from the Jerome Mirza Foundation, donors to the Community
Foundation’s annual campaign and several endowments at the Community
Receiving 37 General Grants totaling $62,220 for programs in the
fields of education, environment, health and wellness and youth
· Best Buddies Illinois – $1,300 for “Best Buddies Leadership
Program” to develop leadership skills in students with and without
intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) through school
friendship program and ambassador program.
· Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Illinois – $3,000 for
“Community and School Based Mentoring” to increase graduation rate
in local school districts and increase the number of children who
finish high school with the skills needed to be college or workforce
· Bloomington Parks Recreation & Cultural Arts Dept. – $1,123
for “Empire Junction Pollinator Garden” to create a pollinator
garden that will both benefit the environment and provide
educational and outreach work opportunities for park users and
neighborhood residents.
· Boy Scouts of America W.D. Boyce Council – $750 for “2020
Multi-Week Adventure Camp” to provide boys and girls an
unforgettable positive outdoor experience; learning teamwork,
self-respect and respecting others, self-confidence and participate
in Scouting’s unique programming.
· Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal – $2,100 for “STEAM
Powered Play” to provide STEAM program access to at-risk youth; in
partnership with the Children’s Discovery Museum.
· Boys & Girls Club of Livingston County – $2,000 for
“Building Future Leaders” to provide older Club members with
opportunities that prepare them for life after high school.
· C.H.A.R.M. – $1,900 for “10th Annual West Bloomington
Neighborhood Block Party” to provide resources, school supplies,
educational and nutritional components for low-income families in
west Bloomington.

· Children’s Home + Aid – $2,438 for “Doula Program” to
reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect and develop strong
parent-child attachments to help mothers build healthy futures for
their babies.
· Clinton Community Education Foundation – $1,500 for “Read
Across Clinton” to improve the reading achievement of economically
disadvantaged children by providing each child a variety of books to
take home on last day of the school year.
· Community Connection Group of Central Illinois – $1,000 for
“Building Future Leaders and Entrepreneurs” to help youth in
Livingston County bridge the gap between high school and their
future though a 4-week summer program.
· Community Health Care Clinic – $2,500 for “Expanding
Capacity at McLean County’s Free Dental Clinic for the Uninsured” to
offer acute, restorative and preventative adult dental services to
more Clinic patients through purchase of additional dental
· Dreams Are Possible – $3,859 for “Preparing Women for
Employment With a Living Wage” to prepare women for economically
sustainable employment by creating skill-based workers, helping them
transition from jobs to careers, and preparing them to expect and
advocate for a living wage, benefits and dignity in the workplace.
· Environmental Education Association of Illinois – $1,200
for “Increasing Early Childhood Outdoor Education in Central
Illinois” to increase student outdoor learning experiences by
providing educators with the knowledge, training and experiences
needed to feel confident in taking their students outside.
· Faith in Action of Bloomington-Normal – $1,600 for “Faith
in Action of B-N Expansion” to increase access to medical transports
and services for more McLean County residents 60 or over to decrease
social isolation.
· Fostering Dignity – $1,100 for “Backpacks for Youth” to
purchase backpacks that will be distributed to local DCFS offices
for use by staff when removing a child from an abusive or neglectful
· Girl Scouts of Central Illinois – $800 for “G.I.R.L.
Outreach Program – DeWitt County” to increase lifelong success and
well-being of at-risk girls within our communities through the
direct delivery of leadership and personal development programming.

· Girls In the Game – $1,400 for “Girls in the Game After
School” to provide a safe, noncompetitive environment for girls at
five District 87 schools to learn and stay active in this weekly
after-school program.
· Girls on the Run – $1,000 for “Girls on the Run McLean
County Expansion” to help more girls attending McLean County schools
recognize their inner strength during after-school program that
focuses on building confidence through running, culminating in a 5K
· Heartland Community College – $2,500
for “Complete and Connect Lincoln” to help individuals in Logan
County earn a sustainable living wage and have a successful career
path by reducing the number of individuals in Logan County without a
high school diploma.
· Illinois Wesleyan University – $1,300 for “Summer Immersion
Language Camps” to introduce children (PreK-5) to the rich diversity
of the human experience by expanding summer offerings to
less-commonly taught languages, such as Korean, Mandarin and Sign
· Jump 4 Joy Squad Inc. – $600 for “Jump 4 Joy Summer Camp”
to increase health and fitness awareness among McLean County
children and teens, instilling a desire for lifelong physical and
mental well-being through a free 2-day summer jump rope camp.
· Junior Achievement – $1,000 for “JA Inspire Interactive
Career Pathway Education” to expose 8th grade students to new
careers or help them better understand the path to careers of
· Lifesong for Orphans-The Forgotten Initiative – $2,200 for
“First Response” to provide items necessary when a foster child is
placed in a home, making the home safe and comfortable for the
· Lincoln Pastoral Counseling Services
– $1,000 for “Subsidy Program” to decrease mental health issues
within the community by increasing the amount of subsidy funding
provided to those unable to pay full fee for counseling services.
· Living Well United – $1,500 for “LeRoy Living Well Center”
to reduce isolation of seniors in LeRoy, Ellsworth, Bellflower,
Arrowsmith and Saybrook by helping them build strong social networks
of care, and keep their minds and bodies in the best shape possible
to encourage aging successfully in their own homes and communities.
· Marcfirst – $2,000 for “Family Transitions” to give parents
of young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities the
information and tools they need to navigate the transition from
school support to the adult world.
· McLean County Children’s Advocacy Center – $1,200 for
“Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children” to educate and empower
adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual
· Midwest Food Bank – $3,000 for “Hope Pack Weekend Feed
Program for Children in Need” to provide food insecure children with
supplemental weekend food throughout the school year, ensuring
students arrive at school on Monday morning ready to learn.
· Prairie Central High School – $1,000 for “Foundations of
Fitness Physical Education” to create an overall culture in Physical
Education of engagement and motivation to acquire and improve
physical skills; grant to purchase a projector unit for the school
· Recycling Furniture for Families – $2,000 for “Providing
Furniture for Families in Need” to provide safe and clean furniture
to families in need.
· Royal Families Kids Camp – $1,100 for “Royal Families Kids
Camp #362” to break the chains of abuse, neglect and abandonment for
foster children ages 6-12 by creating life-changing moments in the
healthy and safe environment of a week-long summer camp.
· Salem 4 Youth – $650 for “Planting for Pollinator
Sustainability” to educate both students and the community about the
importance of both pollinators and the necessary/native forage
plants to the survival of pollinators which are vital to our
worldwide food supply.
· The Salvation Army – $2,000 for “Personal Hygiene Referral
Program” to provide hygiene products to families and individuals in
McLean County once every 90 days with a referral from a partner
· United Way of Logan County – $1,800
for “Dolly Parton Imagination Library” to provide a book a month to
enrolled Logan County children for the first five years of life.
· Vault Community Center – $3,400 for “The Golden Gears Café:
Small Business Leadership Program” to educate Clinton are teens in
the fields of leadership, business, culinary arts and basic cooking
skills, helping to alleviate apathy, low self-esteem and lack of
purpose prevalent in local students.
· Western Avenue Community Center – $2,200 for “Evening
Summer Camp for Young Adults” to provide a safe, supervised space
for young adults to spend time for two summer evenings a week
between leaving work and going home.
· YWCA McLean County – $1,200 for “Young Wonders Youth
Development Program” to provide a safe and developmentally
appropriate environment for children that further supports their
social, communication, academic, recreational and self-regulation
skills to help them be successful in life.
[to top of second column] |

Receiving 30 Arts and Culture Grants totaling $59,596 were:
· Atlanta Public Library District – $5,000 for
“Community Arts and Culture Program” to provide access to arts and culture
events and activities at little or no cost to residents of Atlanta.
· BCAI School of Arts – $2,000 for “BCAI Summer Arts Exposure” to awaken
and strengthen participants’ innate interests and skills through vast sampling
of traditional and nontraditional arts during 3-week summer arts camp.
· Bloomington Center for Performing Arts – $2,000 for “Taste of Broadway
Performing and Visual Arts Workshop” to provide an in-depth theater and visual
arts summer camp for 40 students, ages 8-15 years old, with a performance on the
BCPA main stage.
· Brass Band of Central Illinois – $1,000 for “2021 Spring Concert” to
help offset the cost of the 2021 spring concert that is free and open to the
public and features a guest artist/soloist.

· Chenoa Public Library District – $500 for “Music at the Library” to
introduce children and adults to the music education opportunities available at
the new library.
· Children’s Discovery Museum – $1,500 for “Art Around You: Exploring
Contemporary Art in the Community” to provide children in 2nd to 5th grades an
opportunity to view, discuss and create contemporary art; partnership with
Illinois State University Galleries.
· City of Pontiac – $2,000 for “Rockin’ at the River Summer Concert
Series” to expose the citizens of Livingston County to a broad range of musical
styles and genres while providing free, family friendly entertainment.
· Cultural Festival Inc. – $1,000 for “A Musical Genre Showcase” to
present a variety of live music performances featuring the several genres that
will be hosted by a narrator who will discuss the influences and similarities
that exist among the different styles of music.
· Further Jazz – $1,500 for “Jazz on Film Concert Series” to produce a
series of films/concerts that will focus on jazz films and jazz-influenced
films; each film will be followed by a concert featuring the music of the artist
featured in the film.
· Heartland Jazz Orchestra Foundation – $1,500 for “History of Jazz
Concert for Young People” to expose young people to jazz and teach them the
history of America’s classical music to enrich their artistic appreciation of
all music and jazz in particular.
· Heartland Productions Inc. – $3,000 for “Two New Play Programs” to
assist with the Mike Dobbins Memorial “New Plays from the Heartland” one-act
play competition and “The Play’s the Thing” which helps a playwright refine a
full-length play.
· Holiday Spectacular Inc. – $2,000 for “Free Tickets for Low-Income
Community Members 2020” to underwrite the cost of free tickets to weekend
afternoon performances of 2020 Holiday Spectacular; Western Avenue Community
Center and Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church of Bloomington will target families to
receive tickets.
· Illinois State University – $1,000 for “Rivulets: Fostering Engagement
with Literary Arts through Spoon River Poetry Review (SRPR)” to enrich literary
arts instruction for secondary school students in contemporary poetry and
creative writing practices via SRPR and workshops, as well as foster student
engagement and investment in literary arts.

· Illinois State University – $1,500 for “Teen Arts Group at University
Galleries” to provide 15 Bloomington High School students with free
opportunities to engage with contemporary art, interact with arts professionals
and gain professional gallery experience.
· Illinois Symphony Orchestra – $3,000 for “Concert for Kids” to create a
highly interactive and engaging concert experience that will introduce, engage
and inspire students in grades K-5 through live orchestral performance in
· Illinois Voices Theatre – $2,500 for “Seedling Theatre (including
Seedling Encore)” to provide a range of theater opportunities for special needs
populations and their able-bodied peers.
· Illinois Wesleyan University – $2,100 for “46th Annual Jazz Festival at
Illinois Wesleyan” to provide professional training for young musicians,
increasing their knowledge and skills while also helping local music educators
who lead jazz groups by providing clinics and workshops in skills needed by
· Illinois Wesleyan University – $2,400 for “IWU School of Music Summer
Music Program” to provide intensive and professional training for young
musicians, increasing their knowledge and skills, while providing a free public
concert series in the Bloomington- Normal community.
· Inside Out Accessible Cooperative – $1,500 for “IOAA Art Education” to
develop a lifelong pursuit of the arts by providing a variety of art classes at
reduced cost to youth, seniors, adults and individuals with disabilities.
· McLean County Arts Center – $1,000 for “Sugar Creel Arts Festival” to
present festival that features artists in a variety of disciplines, children’s
art activities and live music.
· McLean County Historical Society – $3,000 for “Evergreen Memorial
Cemetery Walk” to enable schoolchildren to experience live theater while
teaching them about their community’s history and the importance of respecting
· MIOpera Inc. – $2,000 for “MIOperatunities Presents Rodgers and
Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music” to increase and enhance arts education through
opera and musical theater in McLean County with affordable, professional and
accessible performance opportunities for children and young adults.
· Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Music Department – $2,696
for “Risers for Mt. Pulaski Concerts and Logan County Music Festival” to
purchase risers, providing ample room and a safe place for students to perform;
grant made from David & Kay Williams Music Education Endowment.
· Music Connections Foundation – $3,000 for “Niños y Música” to develop
English language skills in parents and children; to educate parents on how to
interact actively with their children through music; and to promote positive
parenting behaviors to foster optimal child development at home.
· Normal Township Activity & Recreation Center – $2,400 for “ARC Glee
Club” to combat seniors’ isolation by providing an opportunity for social
bonding, allowing them to experience positive emotional energy and mutual pride
in the shared performance of music.
· Poco a Poco Inc. – $1,500 for “Poco a Poco 2020 Summer Music Fest” to
produce a summer music festival in Streator, including intensive and interactive
music training and live concerts.
· Prairie Fire Theatre – $2,000 for “Mad About Broadway” to bring a
professional-grade classic musical theater production in September to
Bloomington-Normal employing area musicians, artists and technicians.
· Pt.fwd – $1,500 for “Pt.fwd Artist in Residency Program” to increase
access to equitable opportunities for musicians and sound artists in McLean
County and to share these opportunities with the public.
· Share the Music – $1,500 for “Instrument Lending Program” to enable
participation in music programs at schools, by making instruments available to
those who cannot afford them.
· Threshold to Hope Inc. – $2,000 for “Art Instruction and Exploration
for Low-Income Artists” to increase low-income artists’ skills, allowing them to
experience emotional benefits of painting and assist them in creating paintings
that have the potential to be sold for their financial benefit.
Receiving 6 Sol Shulman Jewish Life and Education Grants totaling $17,495 were:
· Heartland Productions Inc. – $2,500 for “A Shayna Maidel, a Play by
Barbara Lebow,” a compelling play about two Jewish sisters reunited after the
Holocaust in New York in 1946 will be performed in February 2021.
· Illinois Symphony Orchestra Inc. – $3,000 for “Orchestra Around the
Town Free Concert Series” to celebrate the legacy of Sol Shulman by partnering
with Moses Montefiore Temple to increase awareness of Jewish composers through a
free concert (in fall 2019 or spring 2020) at the Temple.
· Moses Montefiore Temple – $1,390 for “Illinois Holocaust Museum and
Education Center” to create better equity in developing an understanding of the
Holocaust; students in the MMT Religious School grades 4-12, in addition to
other interested adults, would benefit from the immersive experience of
attending the Skokie museum.
· Moses Montefiore Temple – $1,050 for “Jewish Film Festival” to provide
a fun and educational opportunity to Jewish and non-Jewish families typically
disconnected to the dynamic diversity in the surrounding area; festival will
offer two movies featuring Jewish values and roles over two weekends.
· Moses Montefiore Temple – $4,050 for “Jewish Music Enrichment” to
provide a structured and ongoing program of music enrichment and education to
all who attend services and to families and children who are enrolled in the
Religious School.
· Moses Montefiore Temple – $5,505 for “Religious Action Center L’Taken
Teen Trip to Washington, D.C.” to provide participating teens an opportunity to
interact with 2,000 other Jewish teens; attendees will gain knowledge on how to
be effective leaders in the Jewish community as well as the community at large.
Applications for 2021 grants from the Foundation’s Women to Women Giving Circle
and Youth Engaged in Philanthropy (YEP) will be available in October.
About Illinois Prairie Community Foundation
Illinois Prairie Community Foundation, now in its 22nd year, encourages and
facilitates philanthropy in McLean, DeWitt, Livingston and Logan counties by
connecting donors who care with causes that matter to them. The Foundation
currently manages assets of more than $15.8 million in more than 170 funds
including endowments and donor advised, fiscal sponsorship and scholarship
[Michele Evans
Grants & Communications Director
Illinois Prairie Community Foundation] |