Logan County Board briefs for
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[August 25, 2020]
At the Regular Logan County Board meeting Tuesday, August 18th, the
board voted on motions from several committees.
Board members present were David Blankenship, Emily Davenport, Janet
Estill, Bob Farmer, Cameron Halpin, David Hepler, Steve Jenness,
Chuck Ruben, Bob Sanders, Scott Schaffenacker and Annette Welch. Jim
Wessbecher was absent.
Building & Grounds Committee update
Building & Grounds Committee Chairman David Blankenship brought
forward the following motions:
- To draft a sub-lease agreement for the Orr Building with MRTS &
CTS for use during the courthouse restoration.
These firms will be sub-leasing the building for office space on the
first floor which will help offset the county’s leasing costs.
Masonry Restoration Technologies & Services owner Bill Walter is
acting as Project Manager and Design Professional for the
restoration. CTS is providing the construction management.
Subleasing the Orr building will enable MRTS and CTS to have space
to work and have meetings. The sub-lease agreement will also be
subject to both the building owner and State’s Attorney approval.
The lease amount is still being discussed.
Schaffenacker asked if the sub-leasing would be synchronized with
the county’s main lease on the Orr building.
Blankenship said they would try. That agreement ends around December
or January. The county would then do another six-month lease.
- To approve the MTRS project management contract.
Logan County State’s Attorney Brad Hauge has approved the contract.
Blankenship said Hauge had one question regarding percentages, so
Hauge has asked board members to review that section.

- To approve additional work hours (outside normal business hours)
for all bonded contractors during the courthouse restoration.
Schaffenacker asked about noise ordinances and whether there would
be work done 24 hours a day?
Blankenship said any noise ordinances would be presented to the
contractors. With the dome encapsulated, Blankenship said that would
cut down on most of the noise. Blankenship does not think work will
be done after 11 p.m. though it is possible especially if there is a
weather crisis.
All motions were unanimously approved.
Insurance/Legislative/Liquor Committee update
The board approved the following four motions from Insurance,
Legislative and Liquor Committee Chairman Annette Welch:
- To allow Chairman Davenport to appoint members of the Transition
[to top of second column] |

This committee will be comprised of elected officials and department heads who
have offices in the courthouse. The committee will be taking care of
relocations, storage, IT and anything that keeps the customer service portion of
the courthouse going during renovation.
- To appoint Emily Davenport to Logan County United Way. She will act as the
board representative to the agency.
- To approve $2,421.00 to CIRMA for audited workman’s comp hours for 2017-2018.

Welch said this amount was to correct an underestimation of the work hours. The
audited numbers were just sent to Welch and the county’s Insurance Administrator
Brenda Clark and they found out the bill had not been paid.
Road and Bridge Committee update
The board approved Road and Bridge Committee Chairman Bob Farmer’s motion to
award a Motor Fuel contract to Illinois Road Contractors in the amount of
$110,234.06 to furnish and spread oil on roads in the HillTopper Wind Farm.
Safety Committee update
The board unanimously approved Safety Committee Chairman Bob Sanders’ motion for
an intergovernmental agreement with New World Enterprise and Sangamon County.
At last Thursday’s board workshop, Sanders said this agreement involves a
service contract for maintaining computer systems and software.
Currently, Schaffenacker said the county pays a software company directly for a
couple of our county entities. By doing an intergovernmental agreement with
Sangamon County, Schaffenacker said when Logan County gets software licenses,
the county will pay Sangamon County. Sangamon County will then handle the
service contract.
Sanders said this agreement with Sangamon County will save the county $45,000 in
maintenance costs.
Airport/Farm Committee update
The board unanimously approved a motion from the Airport and Farm Committee for
$1,873.80 for spraying around the airport and the ditch south of the airport
running along 1400th Avenue.
Chair’s Report
Chairman Davenport’s motion to close the courthouse for Election Day, November
3, 2020, was approved.
[Angela Reiners] |