Myth 1: I cannot apply for CFAP 2 because I didn’t apply for
the first round of CFAP.
CFAP 2 is a separate program from the first iteration of CFAP,
now referred to as CFAP 1. There is no requirement to
participate in CFAP 1 in order to participate in CFAP 2.
Myth 2: I applied for CFAP 1, therefore I cannot apply for
CFAP 2 as they’re the same program with one funding pool.
Again, CFAP 2 is a separate program from CFAP 1 and has its own
unique funding. The programs function separately and require
separate applications and signups, but with very similar
eligibility requirements.
Myth 3: I enrolled in CFAP 1, so I’m automatically enrolled
in CFAP 2.
Producers who applied for CFAP 1 are not automatically signed up
for CFAP 2 and must complete a new application in order to be
eligible for assistance.
Myth 4: CFAP 2 is only for farmers or ranchers who’ve had
No. CFAP 2 is available to any individual or legal entity who
shares in the risk of producing eligible CFAP 2 commodities. The
program is intended to provide financial assistance to farmers
and ranchers who have continued to face market disruptions and
associated costs because of COVID-19. There are more than 300
commodities eligible for the program ranging from livestock to
row crops, specialty crops to aquaculture. Virtually all farmers
and ranchers are potentially eligible for this program.
Myth 5: The commodities I raise or produce were not eligible
for CFAP 1, so there’s no need for me to apply for CFAP 2.
CFAP 2 included additional commodities that were not eligible
under CFAP 1. It’s important to check out our Eligible
Commodities Finder to see if the commodity you grow or raise is
eligible for CFAP 2.
Myth 6: My local Service Center is not open to the public
because of the pandemic, so there’s no staff to help me with my
All USDA Service Centers are open for business, including those
that are closed to visitors or open to visitors by appointment
only. You should first call your local Farm Service Agency
office and schedule an appointment.

Our program delivery staff will continue to work with our
producers by phone, email, and using online tools. An easy first
step is to contact our call center at 877-508-8364 and an FSA
employee can help you take the first steps toward application.
You can find the phone number and the location of your local
USDA Service Center at and view the status of
your local Service Center at
Myth 7: I need to work with a third-party entity to complete
my CFAP 2 application.
USDA helps farmers and ranchers complete program applications
and other paperwork free of charge. Service Center staff can
guide farmers through the process of preparing and submitting
required paperwork on their own, with no need to hire a paid
[to top of second column] |

Language translation service is available in all USDA Service
Centers, so one-on-one assistance with a Service Center employee
can be translated in real time for farmers requiring it.
Myth 8: CFAP 2 is a loan program that I will need to pay
CFAP 2 is direct financial assistance and not a loan. There is
no cost to apply for CFAP 2 and funds will not need to be paid

Myth 9: This is a first-come, first-served program and those who
applied earlier are more likely to receive funding.
This is not a first-come, first-served program. CFAP 2 provides
up to $14 billion. The program was designed to distribute
assistance broadly across the industry and across the country.
Current data on payments is available online and updated every
Monday. USDA’s Farm Service Agency will accept CFAP 2
applications through December 11, 2020.
Myth 10: I’ve never done business with USDA before so I’m not
eligible for CFAP 2.
Participation in other USDA programs is not a prerequisite for
CFAP 2 eligibility. Our staff is standing by to help you get
started and will work with you to fill out the program
application. They will ask for this information:
Name and Address
Personal Information, including your Tax Identification Number
Farm Operating Structure
Adjusted Gross Income compliance certification to ensure
Direct deposit information to enable payment.
You can learn more about the CFAP 2 application process at
Myth 11: I don’t have a farm number, so I don’t qualify for
You do not need to have a farm number to apply for CFAP 2,
except if you will be filing an application for commodities
identified as acreage-based crops. The acreage and yield
information must be provided by FSA through the annual acreage
reporting process, either through an application initiated by
USDA Service Center staff or by applying online. Contact the FSA
staff at your local USDA Service Center if you have questions
about acreage reporting and your CFAP 2 application.
Learn more about CFAP 2 at
[USDA Farm Service Agency] |