Cooper signs letter of intent to play softball at Millikin University

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[January 14, 2020]    Olivia Cooper, a senior at Mount Pulaski High School, celebrated her 18th birthday on Friday and signed a letter of intent to play softball at Millikin University in Decatur. 

Olivia Cooper surrounded by her parents Chad and Janette Cooper

In a ceremony held at the MPHS gymnasium with friends and family in attendance, the crowd first sang “Happy Birthday” to Cooper at the urging of MPHS principal Terry Morgan. 


MPHS Softball Coach Travis Lingafelter then gave a speech congratulating Cooper on this recent accomplishment. Lingafelter is very proud of Cooper for advancing to the next level and he knows first-hand that she is deserving of this opportunity. 


“It’s really special whenever you’re a coach and you get to see one of the kids that you’ve had on the team get to go on and further their softball playing experience or any sport experience,” said Lingafelter to the crowd. “Olivia finished the season last year batting .510, which is phenomenal. Millikin is very lucky to have her coming to play for them. I know she is going to be a big asset for them as well as this spring whenever she plays for us. So, congratulations, Olivia, you definitely deserve it,” he concluded. 


In her speech, Cooper thanked God, her parents, her teammates, her coaches and the game itself. 


“First I’d like to thank God for blessing me with the ability to play and for guiding me in times of struggle,” began Cooper. “I would especially like to thank my parents for supporting me through thick and thin, loving me unconditionally after all the long days and pushing me to be my best self day in and day out. Today I wouldn’t be me without my friends and my teammates. To all of you, I thank you for making the bad days better, picking me up after a bad play, or simply just being my friend and supporting me. You all rock and I love you. A huge thank you to all my coaches I’ve had throughout the years. I wouldn’t be the player I am today without you. Thank you for teaching me to do the little things correctly, focusing on tasks at hand and helping me put all the work in to achieve all my goals on and off the field. Finally I’d like to thank the game itself. It has provided me with so many opportunities, strengths I never knew I had, relationships I will have forever and great memories I’ll never forget. I’m so thankful for the people who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. This isn’t the end. It’s only the beginning.” 


Cooper, who played summer travel ball for Whiplash last summer, plans to play for The Hitting Center this summer. She has spent her youth dedicating herself to the game and her future at Millikin seems like a perfect fit. Even though it is close to home, Cooper will live on campus and get the full college experience. 


“From the start, I’ve always loved Millikin like before anything started happening,” said Cooper. “Over the summer I just really was like Millikin is such a good school for me. I went to games and I would always talk to their coaches and then they showed a lot of interest in me. It was just an easy choice. It was my first choice.” 


Cooper’s future plans include being an English teacher. She is very excited to join the Big Blue, where she will be teammates with friends from Warrensburg, Mount Zion and Riverton.


Cooper is the daughter of Chad and Janette Cooper of Mount Pulaski. Her grandparents are Janet White and Gary and Pam Cooper. 

[Teena Lowery]

Sports Reporter/Feature Writer | Lincoln Daily News


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