U of I Extension
Outside Isn’t Canceled: 12 Ways to Get Your Kids Outdoors and Away
from a Screen
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[July 10, 2020]
It’s no surprise to most of us that our kids could do with less
screen time. Although we are forever grateful to the creative
teachers and resourceful schools that successfully adapted two
months of curriculum to virtual delivery, the season left our heads
reeling with Zoom meetings and Google hangouts. Times of stress and
uncertainty persuaded us to find information, comfort, and sanity in
news feeds and binge-watching our favorite shows. But as our state
begins to open back up and our lives return to some semblance of
normal, it’s time to pull our kids (and ourselves) away from our
devices and head outside.
Beyond the benefits of less screen time, the mental, physical, and
emotional benefits of spending time in the natural world are
well-documented. Research has linked spending time in nature to a
plethora of positive results, including: reduced levels of
depression and anxiety, decreased inflammation, improved motor
skills, increased stress resilience, lower rates of obesity, better
problem solving skills, decreased blood pressure, enhanced attention
and focus – even better eyesight. In short: Go outside! Here are 12
ideas for what you and your kids can do once you get there.
· Square Foot Hike – Take a 4’ piece of string, a piece of
paper, a writing utensil, and (if you have one) a magnifying glass
to any outside location – a garden, the woods, your own backyard -
wherever. Shape the string into a square on the ground. Then, spend
at least 10 minutes observing the things in your square. What do you
notice about the ground covering? Do you see any insects, and if so,
what are they doing? What kind of plants are growing? Record your
observations on your paper as lists, drawings, stories, or other
creative interpretations.
· Catch Fireflies – Nothing creates kid-in-summer nostalgia
like chasing these magical, living twinkle lights; seeing them glow
in your hand; then watching them fly away.

· Start a Garden – Whether you have a huge yard that you can
dig up, or a few tin cans that you can set in a window, anyone can
be a gardener. All you need is soil, seeds, sunlight, and water. By
starting a garden, you and your children can grow your own food, add
to the beauty of your environment, create habitats for wildlife, and
be responsible for other living things. You can find more
horticulture resources from the University of Illinois Extension
Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit website at extension.illinois.edu/global/horticulture.
· Cloud Spotting – Take a few moments for mindfulness and
imagination. Lie in the grass and look up at a blue sky speckled
with clouds. What do you see?
· Play Pick-up Sticks – Wander through your yard, your
neighborhood, or a local green space to find and collect a bunch of
small sticks (three or four handfuls should be plenty). Drop the
sticks into a jumbled pile, then take turns with the other players
as you each attempt to remove one stick from the mass without
disturbing any of the others. You’ll be amazed at the fun you’ll
[to top of second column] |

· Make a Birdfeeder - Take an empty toilet paper roll, spread peanut
butter on the outside, and roll it in birdseed. Then, hang it outside and
observe the many species of avian friends that might come visit. You can even
report your observations as a citizen Scientist to the Cornell Lab or
Ornithology at
· Take a Walk – If this seems too run-of-the-mill, add some new elements.
Try counting how many items you see: cars you pass, dogs on leashes, cracks in
the sidewalk – anything! Or try to make it through the entire alphabet by naming
things you see that start with each consecutive letter, like a-airplane
overhead, b-baby in a stroller, c-cardinal in a tree. Or make your outing a
service project by picking up litter.

· Star Gaze – Pick a clear night, go outside, and look up. The millions
of twinkling stars never cease to amaze. And if you’d like to learn more, Peoria
Riverfront Museum’s Dome Planetarium offers virtual shows and information at
Plus, there are lots of apps that can help you identify what you’ll see in the
night sky. Try the NASA App, Star Chart, or Sky View Lite to get started.
· Mud Painting – Throw on a swimsuit or play clothes and find (or make) a
mud puddle. Use the mud as an artistic medium and your skin as the canvas. Use a
paint brush or your finger to draw fun mud designs on your arms and legs. Clean
up is as simple as running through the sprinkler or under the hose. Still too
messy? You can use paper instead.
· Blow Bubbles – What is it about these little, floating orbs that brings
such joy? Try to find out! If you’ve somehow tired of your regular bubble play,
try making your own bubble wands. Pipe cleaners, straws, yarn, wire hangers, and
toilet paper rolls are great materials to experiment with. For more ideas, check
out exploratorium.edu/search/bubbles.
· Nature Rubbings – Improve your observational skills and make works of
art with nature rubbings. Simply place a natural object – like a leaf, flat
rock, or pine needle – under a piece of paper. Then, rub the broad side of a
crayon over top. It’s texture and outline will show up, leaving beautiful
impressions. You can use a variety of objects and colors to make lovely
· Build a Shelter – Practice your architectural and survival skills by
using natural materials to build protection from the elements. In the woods, you
may be able to find fallen branches and bark to help. In your backyard, you may
want to use old sheets, towels, or ropes to supplement your structure. Neither
of these an option? See if you can gather enough twigs and leaves to build a
small house for a mouse – or a fairy.
Would you like to learn more?
· Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv -
· Citizen Science Database and Info -
· National Park Service -
[By Emily Schoenfelder, University of
Illinois Extension, 4-H Youth Development Educator] |