But, that doesn’t mean you can’t take a day at a
time in your home community and find something fun and
interesting to do, with minimal risk to your family and not a
lot of expense involved.
To help you find these locations and make it a little more fun
for everyone LDN has gone ahead of you exploring eight separate
Over the next eight weeks, we will be giving you daily hints
with photos on Tuesday through Saturday of each week.
As you view the photos and read the clues you have the
opportunity to figure out where it is in the county. When you
figure it out, load up the kiddos or your bestie or spouse and
go visit the place you believe we are talking about.
Each place we have chosen has plenty to see that can be seen
without worrying about social distancing or wearing a mask.
Attractions that will draw you to the location are all outdoors.
In some cases you have the option to go inside a structure and
explore if you wish, but you don’t have to go inside to find the
images in the photos we provide.
All of the places are admission free, so you can pack a lunch or
a snack from home and your only real expense will be the gas it
takes to get where you are going.
To get the daily clue look for the Eye Spy photo in the top
picture section of the LDN Community page. Click on the pic and
read the clue for the day.
When you go out take your cellphone or camera and snap a couple
of pictures of yourself and the ones who are with you. Send us
the photo with your name, the names of the people in the photo
with you, and of course, your guess as to where you are. You may
also send us a comment about your adventure if you wish.
Email your photo in a large size to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com
or you can send it to us via messenger on our Facebook page. The
deadline for submitting photos will be noon each Sunday.
Please DO NOT POST your photo or guesses in the comments
sections of our Facebook page, as others may be still trying to
figure out where we are, and we don’t want to spoil it for them.
You CAN post that you found the location and challenge a
friend or family member to find it too!
When photos arrive we will note who’s arrived first, second,
third, and so on. We will feature EVERY photo submitted
in our Monday editions. Then on Tuesday we will start over with
a new location and new daily clues.
This is a “for fun” game only with no prizes involved and no
gimmicks attached. All you have to do is figure out the clues
and go visit the site. What you will have are bragging rights if
you are the one to figure it out first!
So, come play “Eye Spy” with us!