Studies have proven that having a good night’s
rest is one of the most critical factors in our overall health. It’s
estimated that 50-70 million American people are sleep deprived. Not
getting enough sleep has been linked to multiple health problems,
including a decreased immune system. Especially during this time,
it’s crucial to optimize our immune system and protect ourselves
from bacteria and viruses. Energetically, when we are sleep deprived
we don’t have all the tools to handle daily life challenges.
There are several energy medicine tips for a good
night’s rest.

Low tech environment.
Do your best not to have electronics in the
bedroom. Many studies are confirming that EMFs (electromagnetic
fields) can cause havoc on our melatonin production, which helps
regulate our sleep-wake cycles.
Spend the last 15-30 minutes before going to bed calming your
body and mind down.
Try reading something inspiring, meditate,
journal, take a hot bath, practice gentle yoga or prayer. Limit your
engagement in adrenaline producing activities or thoughts that
stimulate your senses prior to bed.
Practice autogenic training, a simple but powerful tool for
stress reduction and self regulation.
How to Do an Autogenics Session
First, sit or lie down in a comfortable position someplace where
you won’t be disturbed. [to top of second
column] |

Uncross your legs and relax your arms at your sides.
Take a few slow, deep breaths then say to yourself the following
statements slowly.
Repeat each 3 to 6 times.
Visualize experiencing each sensation as you proceed.
Follow this sample autogenics training script:
1. My arms are heavy. My left arm is heavy. My right arm is heavy.
Both of my arms are heavy.
2. My legs are heavy. My left leg is heavy. My right leg is
heavy. Both of my legs are heavy.
3. My arms are warm. My left arm is warm. My right arm is
warm. Both of my arms are warm.

4. My legs are warm. My left leg is warm.
My right leg is warm. Both of my legs are warm.
5. My heartbeat is calm and regular.
6. My breathing is calm and regular.
7. My abdomen is warm.
8. My forehead is cool.
When you are done, take a few deep breaths and slowly open your
eyes. [Marcia Cook] |