Logan County Department of Public Health urges wearing a mask

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[September 02, 2020]   Currently, Illinois, including Logan County, has experienced an elevated number of cases of COVID-19. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is important that all citizens continue to be responsible by wearing a mask in public places.

By wearing a mask, you are doing your part to prevent yourself from spreading any potential viruses to other people. Conversely, if you are not wearing a mask, you are leaving others, who are responsibly wearing a mask, more vulnerable of becoming infected. Common sense and common courtesy will go a long way as the community continues the fight against COVID-19.

In August, the Governor enacted an emergency rule mandating mask usage in businesses to further prevent the spread of COVID-19. The new rule calls upon businesses to create and enforce a policy of mask use for their employees and their customers. The Governor is also mandating that patrons in food establishments wear a mask when placing an order or interacting with food service staff. The rule is further calling upon enforcement action by local authorities through a step by step process that begins with education.

The health department is urging that businesses and customers do their part to protect each other and the community by following the new rules. According to Don Cavi, Public Health Administrator at the Logan County Department of Public Health. “Our department is a strong believer that education is the first and foremost step to creating a culture of compliance, and this has been effective. Unfortunately, if a business refuses to follow through, additional measures become necessary.”

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Cavi further adds, “our agency never wants to be forced into taking enforcement measures, but sometimes this becomes our only option to assure public health safety.”

The new rule incorporates this same philosophy as the Governor advises that businesses not complying with the mask rule will be educated, warned and subsequently penalized if corrective action is not taken. Upon receipt of valid complaints, the Logan County Department of Public Health will work with businesses accordingly to assure full cooperation. The health department urges businesses to add “no masks” to their no shirt, no shoes, no service policies and that customers do their part by respectfully adhering to these policies.

Any complaints regarding businesses that are not enforcing a mask use policy can be addressed to the Logan County Department of Public Health at 217-735-2317. Be sure to visit WWW.LCDPH.
ORG  for the latest local data regarding COVID-19 and health department services.

[Don Cavi, MS, LEHP
Public Health Administrator
Logan County Department of Public Health]

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