Community Foundation Awards 66
Grants to Local Nonprofits
Six awards will have local impact
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[April 21, 2021]
Illinois Prairie Community Foundation has awarded $119,173 in three
categories of competitive grants to 66 programs in McLean, DeWitt,
Livingston and Logan counties. Grant awards ranged from $500 to
$5,000. Funding came from donors to the Community Foundation’s
annual campaign, the Jerome Mirza Foundation, and several endowments
at the Community Foundation.
Receiving 40 General Grants totaling $51,642 for programs in the
fields of education, environment, health and wellness and youth
· Allin Township Fire Department – $700 for “Tactical EMS PPE” to
purchase a protective vest for Emergency Medical Technicians to wear
in incidents where their safety could be compromised.
· The Baby Fold - $2,500 for “Autism Playground Shade Shelter” to
purchase and install a shade shelter allowing students with autism
to comfortably learn and play on sensory playground.
· Back to School Alliance – $1,000 for “Getting Ready for
Pre-School” to provide early literacy materials to pre-school
backpacks for young children attending Back 2 School Party before
2021-2022 school year.
· BCAI School of Arts – $1,000 for “BCAI Summer Arts Exposure” to
provide materials and supplies for summer arts immersion experience
for children (ages 7 and older) which allows them to experience
programming in visual, media, business, performance and
sustainability arts.
· Best Buddies Illinois – $500 for “Best Buddies Leadership Program”
to develop leadership skills
in students with and without intellectual and developmental
disabilities (IDD) through school friendship program and ambassador
· Black Nurses Association of Central Illinois – $500 for “2021
Virtual 5K Walk/Run for Health” to engage community members in a
physical activity and celebrate their participation.
· Bloomington Library – $500 for “Memory Care Collection & Outreach”
to support and educate residents, caretakers and professionals on
the medical and social aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease and other
memory-related conditions.
· Bloomington-Normal YMCA – $2,000 for “Y Academy @ Camp Sparrow” to
provide academic intervention and summer camp opportunities for
students adversely affected by COVID-19.

· B-N Mulberry School – $912 for “Learning Outdoors” to increase
opportunities for outdoor, open-air learning and engagement for
students through construction of an outdoor shaded learning and arts
· Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal – $2,100 for “STEAM
Powered Play” to provide STEAM program access to at-risk youth; in
partnership with the Children’s Discovery Museum.
· Boys & Girls Club of Livingston County – $1,000 for “Money
Matters” to increase the financial literacy skills of youth,
providing them with tools and resources to develop their
decision-making skills and put them on a path to financial
· Children’s Home + Aid – $2,500 for “Bloomington Crisis Nursery” to
prevent the abuse and neglect of infant and young children who are
at risk of maltreatment due to crisis situations and to support and
strengthen parent's abilities to function successfully by providing
crisis counseling, parenting education and resource referral
· Clinton Community Education Foundation – $1,000 for “Read
Across Clinton” to improve the reading achievement of economically
disadvantaged children by providing each child a variety of books to
take home on last day of the school year.
· Community Connection Group of Central Illinois – $1,200 for
“Building Future Leaders and Entrepreneurs” to help youth in
Livingston County bridge the gap between high school and their
future though a 4-week summer program.
· Community Health Care Clinic – $2,000 for “Technology to Support
Dental Hygiene Expansion at the CHCC” to increase access to
appropriate, affordable dental care for uninsured adults in McLean
County by becoming a clinical practice site for Illinois Central
College’s dental hygiene program; grant to purchase new laptops and
electronic medical record licenses to support this partnership.
· Dreams Are Possible – $3,500 for “Expanding Your Opportunities” to
prepare women for economically sustainable employment, students will
attend basic forklift training at Heartland Community College, as
well as supplemental enrichment classes.
· Easterseals Central Illinois – $1,200 for “Timber Pointe Outdoor
Challenge Course” to purchase and upgrade equipment for Challenge
Course necessary to meet best practices during a pandemic allowing
campers to realize the potential in themselves.
· Fostering Dignity – $500 for “Backpacks for Youth” to purchase
backpacks that will be distributed to local DCFS offices for use by
staff when removing a child from an abusive or neglectful situation.

· Girl Scouts of Central Illinois – $1,000 for “Camperships –
DeWitt, Livingston, Logan & McLean County Girl Scouts” to fund
resident camperships for at-risk girls in 4 counties, ensuring every
girl has access to enrichment programming on their journey to reach
their full potential.
· Girls In the Game – $650 for “Girls in the Game After School” to
provide a safe, noncompetitive environment for girls at five
District 87 schools to learn and stay active in this weekly
after-school program.
· Girls on the Run – $500 for “Power Up With Girls on the Run” to
help more girls attending McLean County schools recognize their
inner strength during after-school program that focuses on building
confidence through running, culminating in a 5K race.
· Great Plains Life Foundation – $2,000 for “Stay 4 Project” to
provide support for first-year college or trade school students for
rent, food, books or computers.
· Heartland Community College Foundation – $1,500 for
“Student Emergency Fund” to provide temporary, short-term financial
assistance to students facing unexpected financial hardship;
students work with college success coaches to help them identify
their financial challenges while also providing temporary financial
· Illinois Wesleyan University – $1,000 for “IWU Language School for
Kids (LSK) Summer and Fall 2021 Programming” to support the
operational costs of running the LSK language program, including the
development of teaching materials, such as open-source digital
repository of voice recordings with stories in languages other than
· Lincoln Pastoral Counseling Services – $1,000 for “Subsidy
Program” to decrease mental health issues within the community by
increasing the amount of subsidy funding provided to those unable to
pay full fee for counseling services.
· Living Well United – $650 for “Mix & Fix – Healthy Easting Recipe
Card and Sample Program” to make recipe cards for healthy meals
using mainly items already provided at the local food pantry.
· Livingston County Special Services Unit – $2,300 for “LCSSU’s
Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES)” to allow special
needs students to explore various jobs, while using real tools, and
developing proper work behaviors; grant will provide consumable
supplies to be used by students in the PAES lab.
· Midwest Food Bank – $1,500 for “Hope Pack Weekend Feeding for
Local Children at Risk for Food Insecurity” to provide supplemental
weekend food to children with food insecurity throughout the school
year, ensuring students arrive at school on Monday morning ready to
· Miller Park Zoological Society – $1,000 for “Endangered Species
Pollinator Garden Creation” to change and expand the pollinator
garden at zoo to consist of native endangered plants, sensory
exhibits, better signage, and seed/plant exchanges, thereby
improving the environment directly and indirectly through people and
thriving pollinators.
· Regional Alternative School – $1,500 for “RAS Virtual Reality Work
Skills Laboratory” to increase the technical skills students have
exposure to through experiential virtual reality learning.
· Salvation Army Lincoln 360 Life Center – $1,500 for
“Salvation Army Lincoln Food Pantry and Veterans Shelter” to provide
food, hygiene products and bedbug equipment needed at food pantry
and veterans homeless shelter.
· Salvation Army of McLean County – $2,000 for “Salvation Army
Bloomington Youth Camp” to bring at-risk children out of their home
environment to participate in experiences not found in an urban
setting while increasing self-esteem and developing social Skills.
· Salvation Army Pontiac 360 Life Center – $1,500 for “Salvation
Army Pontiac Food Pantry” to provide healthy, nutritious food, and
paper and hygiene products to Livingston County residents at no
· Sunnyside Community Gardens & Food Forest – $930 for “Sunnyside
Strawberry Apprenticeship” to create a small strawberry farm that
would allow 1-2 youth every season to have a part-time summer job
and gain lifelong lessons; grant would purchase plants and materials
to create strawberry beds.
· Tri-Point National Honor Society – $1,200 for “Tree Restoration
Project” to create a space behind the school where football field
and track field used to be; adding trees will develop an area for
students and community to enjoy safely.
[to top of second column] |

· Vault Community Center – $2,000 for “The Golden Gears Café: Small
Business Leadership Program” to educate Clinton are teens in the fields of
leadership, business, culinary arts and basic cooking skills, helping to
alleviate apathy, low self-esteem and lack of purpose prevalent in local
· Vespasian Warner Public Library District – $800 for “Library of Things at the
Vespasian Warner Public Library” to create a unique collection of items such as
tools, sports equipment and art supplies that can be borrowed for free with a
library card, opening the door to learning new skills without the investment in
new equipment.
· West Bloomington Revitalization Project – $1,000 for “Facilitating DIY Energy
Efficiency for West Bloomington Residents” to add a variety energy efficiency
tools and supplies to the Tool Library inventory to enable residents (renters
and homeowners alike) to implement simple Do-It-Yourself energy efficiency
improvements to their residences.
· Western Avenue Community Center – $500 for “Teen Girls Exploration of Career
Tracks” to provides teen girls in the community with the opportunity to explore
a variety of future career options.

· YWCA McLean County – $1,000 for “YWCA Fitness Fliers” to give children aged
5-12 in Youth Development program the chance to utilize larger muscle groups in
a safe, monitored environment; grant to purchase equipment such as roller
skates, tricycles, scooters and safety equipment.
Receiving 22 Arts and Culture Grants totaling $54,031 were:
· Children’s Discovery Museum – $1,000 for “Art Around You: Exploring
Contemporary Art in the Community” to provide children in 2nd to 5th grades an
opportunity to view, discuss and create contemporary art; partnership with
Illinois State University Galleries.
· Further Jazz – $1,700 for “Jazz Film Series at the Normal Theatre” to produce
a series of films and concerts that will focus on jazz films and jazz-influenced
films; each film will be followed by a concert featuring the music of the artist
featured in the film.
· Heartland Jazz Orchestra Foundation – $1,500 for “Community Jazz Concerts” to
help community learn to appreciate the jazz genre through free “pop-up”
neighborhood jazz concerts within ICPF's 4-county geographic area.
· Holiday Spectacular Inc. – $2,000 for “Free Tickets for Low-Income Community
Members 2021” to underwrite the cost of free tickets to weekend afternoon
performances of 2021 Holiday Spectacular; Western Avenue Community Center and
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church of Bloomington will target families to receive
· Illinois Art Station – $3,000 for “Art Perspectives” to help children (K-5)
explore different artists from a variety of backgrounds using a wide range of
techniques and mediums; children will develop their own creative voice and learn
how to visually express themselves; grant to purchase art materials and
· Illinois State University – $3,500 for “2021 Concerts on the Quad” to provide
free summer concert series that focuses on interesting and accessible music of
the highest quality.
· Illinois State University – $4,000 for “Bard in a Box” to engage elementary,
middle school and high school students with Shakespeare’s plays and demonstrate
that Shakespeare’s works are still accessible and entertaining; grant to help
increase the number of Bard in a Box performances in McLean, DeWitt, Livingston
and Logan counties.

· Illinois State University – $2,500 for “ISU Community School for the Arts
Outreach” to support three programs: Traditional Music Lessons taught by ISU
music students; Redbird Road Concerts where free performances are given in area
venues; and MusicScores! instruction on the violin at one area Head Start
· Illinois State University – $1,700 for “Teen Arts Group at University
Galleries” to provide 15 Bloomington High School students with free
opportunities to engage with contemporary art, interact with arts professionals
and gain professional gallery experience.
· Illinois Symphony Orchestra – $3,922 for “Concert for Kids” to create a highly
interactive and engaging concert experience that will introduce, engage and
inspire students in grades K-5 through live orchestral performance in
· Illinois Voices Theatre, ECHOES – $500 for “ECHOES Theatre Pilot Internship
Program” to create a fieldwork internship for a student pursuing a career in
theatrical design by offering a design and creation opportunity with the 2021
Evergreen Cemetery Walk, which ECHOES produces for the McLean County Museum of
· Illinois Wesleyan University – $2,100 for “47th Annual Jazz Festival at
Illinois Wesleyan” to provide professional training for young musicians,
increasing their knowledge and skills while also helping local music educators
who lead jazz groups by providing clinics and workshops in skills needed by
· Illinois Wesleyan University – $3,600 for “IWU School of Music Summer Music
Program” to provide intensive and professional training for young musicians,
increasing their knowledge and skills, while providing a free public concert
series in the Bloomington- Normal community.
· Inside Out Accessible Art Cooperative – $2,500 for “IOAA Art Education” to
develop a lifelong pursuit of the arts by providing a variety of art classes at
reduced cost to youth, seniors, adults and individuals with disabilities.
· McLean County Historical Society – $5,000 for “2021 Evergreen Cemetery Walk”
to enable schoolchildren to experience live theater while teaching them about
their community’s history and the importance of respecting cemeteries.
· Music Connections Foundation – $4,000 for “Niños y Música” to develop English
language skills in parents and children; to educate parents on how to interact
actively with their children through music; and to promote positive parenting
behaviors to foster optimal child development at home.
· Poco a Poco Inc. – $2,000 for “Poco a Poco 2021 Summer Music Fest” to produce
a summer music festival in Streator, including intensive and interactive music
training and live concerts.
· Prairie Fire Theatre – $2,500 for “An Evening of Opera Favorites Under the
Stars” to provide a quality, free and professional operatic performance for the
community the Connie Link Auditorium in Normal.
· Salem4Youth – $1,500 for “Music is Good for the Soul” to provide boys in
program with the chance to channel a portion of their angst into an instrument,
primarily guitar or percussion instrument; boys will learn sound design and
build or restore guitars.
· Share the Music – $1,809 for “Instrument Lending Program” to enable
participation in music programs at schools, by making instruments available to
those who cannot afford them; program is funded by the David and Kay Williams
Music Education Grant.
· Sound of Illinois, SFPEBQSA – $2,200 for “2021 Central Illinois Youth in
Harmony” to draw singers from area high schools for a full day of choral
instruction, small group coaching and performances.
· Threshold to Hope Inc. – $1,500 for “Art Instruction and Exploration for
Low-Income Artists” to increase low-income artists’ skills, allowing them to
experience emotional benefits of painting and assist them in creating paintings
that have the potential to be sold for their financial benefit.
Receiving 4 Sol Shulman Jewish Life and Education Grants totaling $13,500 were:
· Illinois Symphony Orchestra Inc. – $2,500 for “Orchestra Around the Town Free
Concert Series” to celebrate the legacy of Sol Shulman by partnering with Moses
Montefiore Temple to increase awareness of Jewish composers through a free
concert in fall 2021 or spring 2022 at the Temple.
· Moses Montefiore Temple – $3,000 for “Music Enrichment/Songleader” to provide
a structured and ongoing program of music enrichment and education to all who
attend services and to families and children enrolled in the Religious School.
· Moses Montefiore Temple – $5,000 for “Tech in the Temple” to connect to Temple
members, bringing them religious, social and education opportunities and expand
religious reach outside the walls of the synagogue through the purchase of a
permanent video, streaming and sound equipment at the temple.
· Regional Office of Education 17 – $3,000 for “Mobile Museum of Tolerance” to
engage educators in experiencing the Mobile Museum of Tolerance as a workshop in
human behavior where they will witness personal testimonies, engage in
facilitated discussions and receive curricular materials developed by the Simon
Wiesenthal Center. Local educators will collaboratively share and plan to bring
these resources to middle and high school students in ROE 17.
Along with $40,532 awarded by the Foundation’s Women to Women Giving Circle and
$11,680 from the Foundation’s Youth Engaged in Philanthropy (YEP) cohort, IPCF
has awarded $171,385 in competitive grants in fiscal year 2021.
About Illinois Prairie Community Foundation
Illinois Prairie Community Foundation, now in its 23rd year, encourages and
facilitates philanthropy in McLean, DeWitt, Livingston and Logan counties by
connecting donors who care with causes that matter to them. The Foundation
currently manages assets of more than $22 million in more than 175 funds
including endowments and donor advised, fiscal sponsorship and scholarship
funds. More information is available at
[Michele Evans
Grants & Communications Director
Illinois Prairie Community Foundation] |