Because the rodeo was a big draw in 2019 and
received many positive comments, the fair board decided to bring the
event back this year. Before the 2019 rodeo, it had been 40 years
since the fair held a rodeo.
The evening began with a prayer followed by the crowd singing the
National Anthem.
This year’s performers included several riders from Illinois as well
as Oklahoma, Missouri, Wisconsin, Tennessee and South Carolina. The
announcer said the childhood dream of being a cowboy is a reality
for many of them.
The riders were described by the announcer as “the biggest of the
big and the baddest of the bad.” Several riders are part of the
National Professional Rodeo Circuit. Others have participated in the
International Professional Rodeo Championship and one of the riders
in the show ranks 13th in the world.
Rodeo events tested the abilities and speed of cowboys and cowgirls
and included Team Roping, Steer Wrestling, Tie-Down Roping, Bull
Riding and Cowgirl Barrel Racing.

In the team roping event, two riders mounted on horses had to rope a
steer in the quickest time. The announcer said riders had three
tries to rope the steer. With some quick teamwork, one team roped
the steer in just under six seconds.
Steer wrestling involved a horse mounted rider chasing a steer. They
must then drop onto the steer and wrestle it to the ground by
grabbing its horns. This feat requires daring, strength and control.

For tie-down roping, cowboys ran after a calf then roped its neck.
Once the calf was roped, the rider had to get off his horse and pick
up the calf. They then had to keep it from running away by tying its
legs together.
The announcer said the calf must remain tied for at least five
seconds. If the calf gets out of the rope during that time, no
points are awarded.
10.2 seconds was the best time for this event, which included an age
40 and over category. In cowgirl barrel
racing, horses and riders completed a cloverleaf pattern around
barrels trying for the fastest time, which was just over 12 seconds.

[to top of second column] |
 The bull riding competitors attempted to stay
mounted on a bucking bull for eight seconds while holding a rope
wrapped around the bull’s chest. No stirrups, bridles or saddles are
used. As the feisty bulls bucked the rider, none of them managed to
stay on for more than a few seconds.

Rodeo Clown Rob Danison grew up in Lincoln, so he was coming back to
his roots. Throughout the evening, Danison got the crowd to make
some noise as he held up signs saying yell, cheer and louder. Other
silly signs said kiss your neighbor or slap your neighbor.

When Danison shot a cannon, the boom made many people in the stands
As popular music from the 70s, 80s and more recent eras played, the
crowd was encouraged to sing along with the lyrics. When one peppy
song was playing, one child said, “I just love this song.” A few
danced along to the beat of the music.

One family enjoying the show said they came because their kids like
horses. The kids were amazed by the riders and said they had fun
watching them.
Another child was excited because she was able to get the rodeo
clown’s autograph.
The rodeo provided a night of spirited and exciting entertainment
for the whole family. The announcer told the crowds to make noise if
they were having an amazing time and the cheers echoed through the
grandstand. The riders’ adventurous feats had people on the edge of
their seats.
[Angela Reiners] |