Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education
December meeting
Board Approves Tax Levy
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[December 21, 2021]
The Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education called their regular
meeting to order on December 20, 2021 at 4:00 PM in the grade school
learning center. All members were present with two members
participating remotely.
Following Roll Call, the Board entered Executive Session at 4:07PM
to discuss litigation against the school district and the purchase
of property. The Board reemerged from executive session at 5:55 PM.
Public Participation
Recognition of Public included seven members in the audience, with
three requesting to address the Board. All three members of the
public addressed the Board with concerns about the mask mandate. The
Board allowed all requesting members time to address the Board and
then thanked them for their input.
Truth in Taxation – Tax Levy
The first item of business was the Truth in Taxation Hearing. Any
time the district levies for more than 5% of the previous years
Equalized Assessed Valuation, they must have a hearing. In order for
the school district to collect tax on new property valuation, they
must ask for the appropriate amount in the tax levy. If the district
asks for too little, they can collect tax revenues that are
available so there are no lost revenues. The district is not
allotted what it levies for (asks for), instead they are given a
specific amount based on the value of property in the district,
which is determined by the county. In short, the district can ask
for as much as it wants, but it is only going to get what the county
allows through the assessed valuation of property. If it asks for
too little, then the district will experience lost revenues. This
year, the district is asking for a 14.61% increase in the total
levy, but we are expecting the increase to be less than 5%. Final
numbers will not be realized until this spring.
Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda, which included the approval for the payment of
bills, the sales tax report, meeting minutes from November 15, 2021
& December 20, 2021 Executive Session minutes and the destruction of
Executive Session Minutes from July 2019 through June of 2020.
Superintendent Lamkey informed the Board that sales tax revenues
reported for October was over $32,000. The 12 month total exceeds
$300,000 which is an alltime high in total revenues. There were no
additional questions on the consent agenda which passed 7-0
Under Reports, Mr. Lamkey highlighted the MPGS Girls Basketball
teams success in the IESA State Tournament, the progress on the MPHS
sidewalk and street light project as well as the district's
litigation update. The 7th and 8th grade girls basketball teams both
qualified for the Elite Eight with the 7th graders garnering 2nd
place. The Board plans to invite both teams to be recognized by the
Board in January. The MPHS sidewalk and light project is nearing an
end as we can expect to have the light portion finished by the New
Year. The litigation against the district is expected to hit the
courtroom on January 5th. The district can expect to find the
results of the court shortly after that hearing.
It was also reported to the Board that there was a FOIA request to
the district concerning surety bonds and board by-laws. The request
was completed within the allotted time constraints. The final report
is a new report requested by the Board concerning district
Superintendent Lamkey reported that the high school had three
in-school suspensions in the last month while the grade school had
Unfinished Business
In Unfinished Business, Superintendent Lamkey presented on the 2021
Tax Levy. The district will levy $8,942,701, excluding the Bond and
Interest funds which will be set by the county. The Board approved
the 2021 Tax Levy with a 7-0 vote.
An item that was postponed from the November meeting concerning
revising the Hilltop Return to School Plan 3.0 died from lack of a
motion. The Board requested that Superintendent Lamkey and the Board
Policy Committee reconsider revisions after IDPH releases new
guidelines and the district litigation finishes up in January.
[to top of second column] |

New Business
City considers sale of Frasier Park
Under New Business, Mount Pulaski’s mayor, Matt Bobell, informed the Board that
the city was in the initial stage of considering the sale of Frasier Park. Since
the school uses the park for softball, the city council wanted to inform the
Board of their intent. The Board directed Superintendent Lamkey to work with
Mayor Bobell on the details of the potential sale and the potential costs that
may be incurred with such a purchase.
Mask Mandate
The next item on the agenda was the mask mandate. President Cowan stated that he
felt no further conversation was necessary after hearing from the public
concerning the issue. He also stated that he thought new information would be
released to start the year that could affect aspects of the government mandates.
Mr. Smith then followed up by stating that he understands the impatience of the
public, but he reiterated that the district is working on the public concerns
and that this just is not always obvious from the outside.
The Board then approved the resolution to pay debt service on General Obligation
Bonds sold for the high school construction. Superintendent Lamkey announced
that the district would abate the amount of the $140,000 donation from ENEL and
then also abate an additional
$44,000, reducing the public's tax payments on these bonds by 20%. The Board
approved the resolution 7-0.
In the same manner, the Board considered a resolution to pay debt service for
the alternate bonds purchased for school construction. These bonds are paid
through money the district earns through sales tax revenues. The Board approved
the resolution 7-0.
Superintendent Lamkey presented options on the district's bus lease,
recommending the district go with Midwest Transit for a three year lease costing
$162,263/year. Mrs. Mott asked if air conditioning was considered, but the Board
decided to not include this option. The lease will begin July 1, 2022. The Board
passed the motion 7-0.
The Board entered discussion to consider Capital Projects for next summer, which
included MPHS 1963 Roof, MPHS 1963 Windows and the MPHS Parking Lot/MPGS
Playground renovation. After extensive discussion, the Board directed Mr. Lamkey
to seek requests for proposals for the roof and blacktop projects. It was also
specified to have the demolition and
construction of the blacktop projects to be split. The Board directed
Superintendent Lamkey to work with the district architect to receive proposals
on the project.
Superintendent Lamkey conducted his annual request for the Board to review his
performance in the month of January. This serves as a mandated reminder to the
Board to conduct the evaluation.
In the Personnel Report there were three items, including one resignation and
two hires. The Board approved the report 7-0.
● Jamie Jones resigned as the MPGS Administrative Assistant
● Brooke Ciaccio was hired as the MPGS Yearbook Sponsor
● Maddie Davis was hired as the MPGS Volunteer Assistant Volleyball Coach
The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 as Mr. Lamkey wished everyone a Merry
[Submitted by Sarah Farris
Administrative Assistant
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23] |