2021 Animal Stories
"Adoption Animals"

Best methods for training your pet
By Angela Reiners

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[January 29, 2021]  Getting a new pet is an exciting event. But integrating and helping a pet fit into your family or personal life-style can be difficult.

Training your pet to meet your expectations may require skills you never learned. This article is designed to help you get started in helping your pet to become “your best friend.”

When looking for the best method for training your pet, recommendations can be so diverse or even conflicting that it can be confusing to figure out which technique is best. As Stephen Valentino says, “A sea of dog training information available that is supposed to help us learn is either contradictory, not based on evidence or downright makes no sense. In fact, opinions on dog training are about as varied as there are breeds of dogs.”

Sampling various websites may open doors for understanding and using training techniques. One such article, “7 most popular dog training methods,” describes several approaches and indicates who is most likely to benefit from using them:

1. Positive reinforcement is accomplished “by rewarding the behavior that is desired.”

2. Scientific training “aims to understand dogs’ nature, their ability to be conditioned and the effectiveness of rewards and punishments.” Though these are used more by professionals, it is helpful for pet owners to stay informed about the latest research.

3. Clicker training utilizes a device that makes “a quick, sharp noise, such as a whistle or, as the name suggests, a clicker to signal a dog when the wanted behavior is accomplished.” This one can be most effective when used alongside other methods.

4. Electronic training “relies on the use of an electric collar that delivers a shock or spray of citronella when the dog is not performing a desired task.” This one is not for use by the average pet owner.

5. Model-rival or mirror training “relies on dogs learning by observation when they watch a model of good behavior.”

6. Alpha dog or dominance “relies on a dog’s instinctual pack mentality to create a relationship of submission and dominance.” Modern dog trainers consider this method outdated.

7. Relationship-based training “combines several different training methods, but focuses on a more individualized approach for both dog and owner.” This approach values and assumes a close owner-pet relationship.

It is important to find a method that works well for you and your pet, but knowing what researchers say can also be helpful. For example, in “Positive Reinforcement vs. Alpha Dog Methods ‘’ Trainer Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz notes “Some training focuses too much on ‘bad’ things a dog does and forces the animal to figure out, through trial and error, what they must do in order to not be punished.” She further asserts, “training doesn’t have to be cruel and punishment oriented…if you train using positive reinforcement, you’ll get a trained dog and you will retain the spirit of the dog.”

In looking at the science of dog training, the writer says, “Researchers have found that dogs trained with more reward-based techniques had greater measures of overall obedience.” These techniques “show an increase in a dog’s welfare, seem to decrease anxiety for animals and leads to searching, exploring and risk taking.”

The reward-based techniques also “lead to a greater sense of security and fewer problem behaviors.” In contrast, “punishment-based techniques can cause more aggression of excitability” in animals.

No matter what strategies you choose, it is important to manage the consequences of your dog’s behavior. Influencing the way dogs behave will mean rewarding the behaviors you like and not rewarding one you do not like. This method will help communicate your expectations for the dog.

[to top of second column]

Methods for training cats

Training a cat is likely to require different techniques. A WebMD article on “Training tips for your cat or kitten” says many believe cats are not trainable because “They don’t respond to methods used to train dogs. However, reinforcement of behavior was first used with cats.”

If you want to train a cat, you must first understand a cat’s temperament and personality. Cats tend to be “less social, more independent, less inclined to work for praise and not as easy to motivate.”

Positive reinforcement and clicker training can work with cats and usually involve rewarding them with treats.

To begin positive reinforcement training, find a treat your cat “goes crazy for” and reward the cat when it shows the desired behavior. When you reward cats, they are more likely to display that behavior in the future.

For clicker training, use a clicker or even a (retractable ballpoint) pen: When the cat does the behavior you want, do the click and then offer the cat a treat. The treat can be either food or a toy depending on what the cat prefers.

As certified Animal Behavioral Consultant Amy Shojai says, “Training strengthens the bond between owner and cat because suddenly you are communicating. The cat realizes that they can control the outcome by their actions.”

Some experts say you should avoid punishing a cat, which can make the cat learn to run away. It can also cause stress and problem behaviors.

No matter which method you choose when training your pet, it is important to commit yourself to the process. Stay positive because pets can sense when you are upset. Be patient with your pet because training is really long-term relationship building.


Babcock, Pamela. “Positive Reinforcement vs. Alpha Dog Methods.” https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/features/dog-training-positive-reinforcement-alpha-dog-method#1

Clark, Mike. “7 most popular dog training methods.” https://dogtime.com/reference/dog-training/50743-7-popular-dog-training-methods

Shojai, Amy. “How to Clicker Train Your Cat.” https://www.thesprucepets.com/cat-clicker-training-554058

Valentino, Steven. “Most Effective Dog Training Tips According to Science.” https://topdogtips.com/most-effective-dog-training-methods/

WebMD Veterinary Reference. “Training Tips for Your Cat or Kitten.” https://pets.webmd.com/cats/guide/kitten-training-tips#1

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2021 Animals Stories Magazine

Introduction 4
These HEROES save lives 5
We are Family! 11
The more exotic members of the family 15
Animal adoption stories 21
Pet contest photos and winners 28
Best methods for training your pet 47
Spaying or neutering your pets - When, why and why not 50
You, your pet and Covid 55
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