Lincoln Public Library summer
reading program launches: Children get pumped up at story of blue
vs. yellow
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[June 12, 2021]
June 10, on a bright and sunny Thursday morning, the Lincoln Public
Library held its first story time on the steps for summer 2021.

The theme for the Summer 2021 reading program is Reading Colors your
World. Each week a different color will be the focus.

As around 22 children waited for story time, they looked at posters
with yellow, green or blue items on them and talked about which
colors they liked best.

Miss Tegan Follis from the youth services section of the library
welcomed everyone to the program and said she was excited to have
everyone there for story time.

The story for the week was Blue vs. Yellow by Tom Sullivan. Miss
Tegan and Youth Services Director Donna Cunningham read and
performed the story. Yellow was played by Miss Tegan and blue was
played by Miss Donna.

The story tells about blue and yellow arguing over which one of them
is the best color. Blue argues that she is the color of the whole
sky and has its own music. Yellow argues that she is the color of
the bright yellow sun and is the color of many instruments. Yellow
says blue means you are sad, and blue says yellow means you are a

Yellow then argues she is the color of the fastest animal, the
cheetah. Blue argues back that she is the color of the biggest
animal, a whale.
After arguing which color has the best foods and cars, the colors
[to top of second column] |

Together they become green and realize all the cool items they can
both be when they are green. They agree that blue and yellow are
best together.

When red comes in to say that everyone can agree that red is the
best color, blue and yellow again argue they are the best.
Once the story ended, Miss Tegan talked about primary colors like
blue, yellow and red and how secondary colors like green are made
from mixing primary colors.

Story time was followed by music and movement. Miss Tegan led the
kids in getting their wiggles out through jumping and wiggling their
arms, legs, head and then their whole bodies.
Kids were next asked to stand up and shout hooray when Miss Tegan
yelled out the color they were wearing.

To get more movement in, the kids were told to jump up and down, run
in place and jump from side to side. They ended by all excitedly
shouting their favorite color at one time.
The morning’s activities ended with Miss Tegan chanting “bread and
butter, marmalade and jam, let’s say goodbye as loud as we can.” As
Miss Tegan repeated the chant several times, the kids had to say
goodbye quietly, in high pitched voices, in low pitched voices, slow
voices and fast voices.

Kids were reminded to bring their book logs and turn them in each
week to get bonus prizes.
Next Thursday, Pete the Cat from the book series will join the kids
for story time and a photo op.
Children from kindergarten through 12th grade are participating in
the reading program by keeping logs of their reading and doing
activities from home. Each Monday, they can pick up kits with
activities related to the color theme.

For week one, kindergarten through fifth graders were given tissue
paper with instructions to use yellow, blue and red to make a
walking rainbow. Sixth through 12th graders received rainbow shaped
ceramic box to paint.
The youth services library is decorated with rainbows and colors
that go with the theme of Reading Colors Your World and the shirt
they will receive for completing the program. After the morning
program several kids were checking out new books to read.
[Angela Reiners] |