“There are people looking at using mixed-modes-of-action
fungicides, but more research is needed to optimize the timing
for that. Ultimately, I think having resistant hybrids is the
key to managing this disease long term,” says Tiffany Jamann,
assistant professor in the Department of Crop Sciences at the
University of Illinois and co-author of a new study suggesting
certain tropical corn germplasm may provide good sources of tar
spot resistance.
Jamann and her collaborators grew 25 corn lines from the USDA’s
Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) project in nine locations
across four states. Two accessions derived from germplasm from
Cuba and Brazil – GEMS-0066 and GEMS-0226 – showed promising
levels of tar spot resistance, regardless of where they were

“They consistently performed among the top of all the lines in
each environment. Showing similar levels of resistance across
locations is a really good indicator they're reliable,” says
Sarah Lipps, doctoral student and lead author on the study. “And
because these lines are available to the public, anybody can use
them in a breeding program to develop resistant hybrids.”
Jamann notes, “These two accessions weren’t perfect. There was
still a little bit of disease on them, but I think it's a good
starting point. There are definitely improvements to be made,
but they were consistent across a lot of environments for us.”
In addition to identifying two promising sources of resistance,
the study offers a new method of scoring tar spot incidence and
severity in the field.
“Generally speaking, when we rate foliar diseases, we use a
0-100% scale,” Lipps says. “But with tar spot, because it makes
these small dots on the leaf, it’s really difficult to
accurately estimate 5% versus 20%, etc. It’s also hard to
estimate disease on a percentage scale across thousands of
plants for this disease.
“Looking in the literature, we found a rating scale used for
anthracnose – another fungal disease – that considers incidence
as well as coverage in the plot. So we developed a one-to-nine
rating scale for tar spot. It is somewhat similar to what is
being used in Latin America to score tar spot and works well for
our purposes.”
Scoring methods make a big difference in breeding programs. When
breeders evaluate dozens or hundreds of lines at a time, they
need an efficient and reliable system to gauge resistance.
Although they figured out a scoring system, the researchers
struggled to inoculate test plots with tar spot. That’s because
the fungus causing the disease can’t be cultured in labs.
Instead, they scattered infected plant residue into plots or
grew corn in fields that had been infected the previous year.
[to top of second column] |

With the pathogen left to its own devices, the
researchers recognized just how much of a role the environment plays
in its development.
“We show very clearly in this paper there are a lot
of environmental variables important for this disease.
Unfortunately, only about half of our locations wound up having
enough infection for us to use the data,” Jamann says.
Previous studies suggest ideal conditions for the disease include
humidity above 75%, wet leaves during the nighttime hours, and
temperatures between about 61 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit.
As a next step, Jamann says she plans to look for the genes
controlling tar spot resistance. Other researchers have made
progress on that in Mexico, but Jamann says the pathogen in Mexico
is slightly different from the one corn battles in the upper
Midwest. It’s possible the same genes in corn activate to resist in
both cases, but that still needs to be determined.
Meanwhile, Jamann thinks seed companies could start screening
GEMS-0066 and GEMS-0226 against other materials and potentially
cross them into their elite lines.

“Companies have been interested in where we should look for
resistance and what might be useful for their breeding programs.
That’s why it was important for us to show there is some resistance
in these lines,” Jamann says. “So, it’s not like a farmer can go out
and plant these lines right away, but they can be useful for
The article, “Identification of resistance for Phyllachora maydis of
maize in exotic-derived germplasm,” is published in Crop Science [DOI:
10.1002/csc2.20709]. Authors include Sarah Lipps, Damon Smith, Darcy
Telenko, Pierce Paul, Nathan Kleczewski, and Tiffany Jamann.
The Department of Crop Sciences is in the College of Agricultural,
Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois
[Sources: Tiffany Jamann and Sarah
News writer: Lauren Quinn]