2022 Logan County Fair

Friday culinary judging a sweet treat at one of the best county fairs for Judge Brenda Silano

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[August 08, 2022]   Friday morning was the second day of judging for the Open Culinary Shows at the Logan County Fair.

Before the show began, Marsha Greenslate, one of the fair Superintendents for both days, sat down for a friendly chat with Lincoln Daily News. She said that she was hopeful that Friday’s judging would go better than Wednesday.

She went on to explain that there had been a calamity of unfortunate events at the first judging held on Wednesday. The end result was that it took all of the afternoon and into the evening to get the work all completed.

In connection to these complications, early on at the judging on Friday, Greenslate announced that there were a couple of local media sources on hand. If any of the winners from Wednesday were present and would like to have a photo taken of the winning entry, the photographers present would be happy to do so.

From the Wednesday show, Mary Johnson came up and had her photo taken with her Champion Yeast Bread entry from Wednesday.

The official judging began when retired LCHS Home Economics Teacher Brenda Silano arrived, prepared to enjoy a morning of taste testing a large variety of sweet treats.

Judging included cakes, candies and snack foods, starting first with candies, and wrapping up at the end with cakes.

The winners of the cake categories then had the option to enter for the Cake Classic Bake-off to be held on Sunday at the fair.

Judge Silano worked quietly through the morning, tasting and examining the various entries. There were some tough decisions to be made, but in the end, the following winners were announced.

Class 1670 - Peanut Clusters
First through fourth places:
Karen Deany
Brooke Harnacke
Eva Sanders
Kathleen Buse

Class 1671 – Peanut Brittle
First and second:
Carlene R. Carter
Rose Harrold

Class 1672 - Fudge – no marshmallow crème
One entry:
Kathleen Buse

Class 1673 – Caramels
First through fourth:
Rebekah Johnson
Carlene R. Carter
Kathleen Buse
Mary Johnson

Class 1674 – Divinity
Carlene R. Carter

Class 1675 – Fudge with marshmallow Crème
First through third:
Brooke Harnacke
Kathleen Buse
Alexander K. Bergin

Class 1676 – Any assorted candy box
First through third
Hannah A. Crider
Carlene R. Carter
Kathleen Buse

Class 1677 – Pretzel Treat
First through fourth:
Brooke Harnacke
Patty Huffer
Lydia Doolin
Shannon Doolin

Class 1678 – Caramel Corn
First through third:
Darlene K. Crider
Booke Harnacke
Rose Harrold

Class 1679 – Trail Mix
First through fourth:
Brooke Harnacke
Eva Sanders
Alexander K. Bergin
Patty Huffer

[to top of second column]

Class 1680 – Non-bake Cereal Treat
First through fourth:
Patty Huffer
Carlene R. Carter
Darlene K. Crider
Eva Sanders

Class 1681 – German Sweet Chocolate Cake
One Entry
Anna Catterson

Class 1682 Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting
First and second:
Peggy Sanders
Mary Johnson

Class 1685 – Red Velvet Cake
First through fourth:
Peggy Sanders
Christy Cross
Gail Ubbenga
Shannon Carter

Class 1686 Baker’s Choice Layer Cake
First through third:
Peggy Sanders
Rosetta Catterson
Jamie Wibben

Class 1688 – Chiffon Cake, no frosting
First through third:
Rose Harrold
Joyce Conrady
Mary Johnson

The 2022 Logan County Fair royalty - Miss Logan County Fair Emma Stoltzenburg, Junior Miss Isabella Pollice and Little Miss Luci Bobell was on hand for the judging and winners were encouraged to have their picture taken with the ladies.

Taking up the offer:

Rebecca Johnson with her first place caramels.

Carlene Carter with Divinity.

Patty Huffer with her no bake cereal treats.

Peggy Sanders and her granddaughter Eva with the Baker’s Choice winning cake, which was Hummingbird Cake with a salted Caramel frosting.

The Culinary Superintendents were Janet Estill and Marsha Greenslate assisted by Linda McCuan and Ron Estill.

While Estill and Greenslate kept the entries moving from one end of the judges table to the other, McCuan recorded the results and announced the winners.

This year there were a number of cakes entered but some categories had no entries at all. The cake categories with no entries were White Butter with frosting, Yellow cake with chocolate frosting and Angel Food.

At the end of the event. Judge Silano spoke briefly saying that she had very much enjoyed the opportunity to see and sample some excellent entries. She said she also enjoyed seeing the Logan County Fair continue to draw entries. She noted that the fair is wonderful and she is proud that it continues on and is one of the best county fairs in the country.

[Nila Smith]

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