2021 Christmas Worship Guide

The Word Became Flesh
By Dr. John Castelein, retired LCU professor

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[December 21, 2022]   Somewhere in his voluminous writings, Saint Augustine is reputed to have observed that his previous studies in Greek and Latin philosophers had prepared him for everything the Gospels have to say about God—except one unimaginable truth: that “the Word became Flesh” (John 1:14).

In short, philosophers before Augustine had used the concept of “Word” (Logos) to refer to many profound aspects of reality: its meaningfulness, its purposefulness, its communicability, and its rationality. The deepest thinkers of antiquity located these lofty ideas in an unearthly (Platonic) realm of majestic notions and eternal principles, far removed from the real world.

But John’s four inspired words reveal both an idea and, more importantly, an event in history that simply explodes all such human reasonings and speculations. His gospel begins: “In the beginning was the Meaning, and the Meaning was with God, and the Meaning was God” (John 1:1)!

In simple words, Mark Lowry gets it precisely right when he asks Mary: “Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod? When you kiss your little baby, you've kissed the face of God!?”

As Christians we believe the incomprehensible: that in Bethlehem’s manger the Meaning, Purpose, and Logic of the entire universe became a baby. The Apostle Paul says it this way: “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Col 1:16-17).

[to top of second column]


Read all the articles in our new
2022 Christmas Worship Guide

Enter the Christmas season with thanksgiving 5
This Christmas, find the light, the love, the joy, the peace 7
The other side of Hope 9
Don't buy in to a counterfeit Christmas 12
Give with compassion as you see the 'image of God" in each individual 15
The eternal Gift of God 18
The Word became Flesh 19
To those who seek peace, seek Jesus 21
Holiday Worship Schedules 23

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