[February 04, 2022]
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Snow days are fun
days for kids, no doubt about it! While Logan County schools were
closed or utilizing remote learning days, the kids had a chance to
get their daily exercise outside playing in the snow.

Sasha Schreiner sent this photo of a make-shift snowman created from
a huge pile of snow. We can only imagine how tall that mound is and
how long it will take it to melt! |


Jennifer Leamon’s kids also enjoyed a day out in the snow and found
their own “snow mountain” to conquer. |

Eliza Ahart sent pics of her boxy, Jackson, age 10 and Jasper, age
five. Both were having a great time outside rolling and wrestling in
the snow! |

Dawn Kutz Crawford sent in this photo of her youngster waste deep in
snow. We’re not sure if she is actually standing or if she decided
to bury herself. Either way she’s certainly having a good time
posing for the camera. |

Meanwhile, Claire Cryulik, age 12, was nearly knee deep in snow
literally. Thanks to mom Angie for sending us Claire’s pic. |

Monica and Bob Bregar’s kids found the best way to go though. If
you’re out walking, do so in someone else’s tracks! |
And finally…what else can be said?
Pure Joy!
Thanks to Amy Birdwell for sharing this happy photo! |
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