[February 05, 2022]
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Lincoln Daily News
asked readers to share their snow pictures with us for use in our
daily editions, and boy did you guys deliver!! Right now we have
about 130 photos that we have divided into a number of categories
for posting.
And, that doesn’t count the 18 that we posted on Friday in two photo
albums! So thanks to everyone who submitted photos. LDN will be
running several today and will wrap up on Monday and Tuesday. So, if
you don’t see your pictures today, be patient, we’ll get them all
Kids, pets, and wildlife are popular subjects for photos and we
start out today with a couple of albums of pets enjoying the snow,
some for the first time in their lives.

Brandon Neibuhr shared that this is the first winter for Sky. She’s
out in the snow but a little apprehensive about it. Brandon said he
couldn’t decide if she liked the white stuff or not. |


In contrast, the sweet pup in this photo appears to be embracing the
snow as he stretches out on his belly to take it all in. Thanks to
Angela Folkes for sharing this cute shot |

Chell Robinson shared this photo of Zadah and Bandit. The two are
clearly having a good time romping in the snow. Chell shared that
this is the first snow for Bandit. |

Bridget Yeates Jones shared this photo of her pup. Seems that he
thought the best thing to do would be to face the white stuff “head
on!” |

In contrast, Emily Rehder’s husky, a breed known to be snow dogs,
was just “chillin’ and lettin’ it happen” as he took a break on top
of the snow coated picnic table. |

On the other hand, Ashely Broughton’s big dog was anything but
“chill.” Ashley shared, “Caught my dog in mid run. She was excited
running through the drifts” |

Missy Pinkley shared pictures of her two fur-babies out exploring
the piles of white stuff. |

And to wrap up this first album, this adorable pup picture submitted
by Nick Ladage just makes us smile! Thanks Nick! |
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