What could be better than a good snowball fight

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[February 08, 2022]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Rough housing and snow ball fights are often a big part of playing outside in the snow.

Heather Callahan submitted two photos of her youngsters. In the first, they pair seem to be sweet, loving siblings. But something is a'brew!


Because soon after, this was the scene. It looks like little sis is about to take a nose-dive into the snow, courtesy of her brother. But as Heather says, “That’s what big brothers are for!”

Autumn Kopochius also submitted two photos of her kids, Serenity and Major. In the first pic, there is obviously a snowball fight underway.

In the second, it appears that Serenity may be claiming victory!


In the two photos submitted by Adam Charron, we can’t say for sure just what is happening, but obviously something!


Marsi Caskey sent us this photo of her darling little angel. But don’t be deceived! She doesn’t think we see that snowball in her hands!


Ashtin Nicole sent in these two pictures of her daughter. At first we thought it was going to be similar to the one above, a hidden snowball, waiting to be tossed. But then, it looks like rather than toss it, she decided to eat it!


And, finally, Jodie Baker Stancle sent this photo. It looks like the little gal on the left is holding one extra-large snowball, getting ready to fling it at her target.


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