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"Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business, and make a profit.” You do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord is willing, we will live and do this or that.”
James 4:13-15

Bucket lists…do you have one? I was shocked when my 17 year old told me not long ago that he has a bucket list at such a young age! “To see the aurora borealis”, is at the top of his list. Then the second he said is “to ride an ostrich!” I have to admit, the second one made me laugh! But we all probably have things that we want to do before we die. For some, it’s more than a ‘want’, we actually make a plan to do things. People scrimp and save for months or even years to take a trip they long for. Some actually work overtime and just plain work hard for decades because they are determined to move to a certain place to retire, or perhaps get an RV and the highway roam.

None of these things are bad of course, and it is good for us to enjoy the days before us, for every single day is gift from above. But I wonder if at times we are looking too short sided? Is the chief goal of our lives really to do some fun things before we die? As God reminds us, we don’t even know if we will get a tomorrow. For our life is like a ‘mist’, or as other translations put it, ‘a cloud’. And all of us who have laid on a grassy hill looking at the shapes and images clouds make for a moment, know how quickly clouds move on and dissipate. Such are the days of our lives.

Since God has made it clear to us that our days are short and eternity so long, maybe our bucket lists as Christians need to be reassessed to look farther than just this misty, short life? What would an “eternal bucket list” look like to you? I actually have one. On this list, I want to make sure that my retirement destination is Heaven. On the altar of my life that I worship on, I bring Jesus my sin and purposefully cling to the grace of my Savior and the salvation He gives. To be right with God through Jesus is not a bucket list “to do” sometime down the road when you think you’ll be close to dying. Life is short and only God knows when it ends. Second, I want my loved ones in Heaven with me. This too is not just something I hope to address someday down the road. As a father, I’m always warning my kids about sin's snares and point them to an active life of faith. Do they listen now that they’re mostly grown? Well, not always. But life is a journey, and as long as I draw breath to travel here, I will do all I can encourage them to Jesus.


Also on my bucket list is to get people to Church. Why? Because Christians are backsliding in this area terribly in our nation, and we are seeing it’s affects every day on the news. Communities more than ever need more than just Christians “watching Church” on a computer or TV. We are called to BE THE CHURCH. In my lifetime I have seen Church attendance go from 53% in my grandparents’ WWII generation attending every Sunday, drop down to 13% in my children's generation who are millennials. If only 13% of kids were attending school, we’d be up in arms at PTA meetings! If we saw only 13% of able bodied people working in society, we would be pulling out our hair and asking ‘where are all the workers?!’. There will be no Church, no preachers, no more discipleship if this trend continues, and then what will our world look like and who will preach Jesus to the next generation? If our bucket list has eternity in mind, we must act now and not hope others will labor in Christ’s vineyard, instead of it being on our own list to do. Currently, we are facing a spiritual epidemic in our land much more dangerous than Covid.

Bucket lists are good to have, for indeed our days are short and we should enjoy God’s gift of life on this planet. Bucket lists for eternal things should all the more be on our hearts because the Lord has shown us there is more than just the short lived mist of life.

Daily devotion by
Pastor Dan McQuality,
Grace Lutheran Church, 201 S.
College St., Lincoln, IL
10:30am Sunday Worship; 9:00am Bible Study

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