He almost gave heart attacks to two old ladies and
a one-eyed cat the other day. It was a pleasant day for this time of
year and they were just walking silently along the sidewalk here in
town when the voice seemed to beam down from the heavens.
“Okay now … listen up! Ast yerself this … has you had any good
chopped stewy lately? No. Well, jest haul it on down to the Gates of
Heaven Chinese joint here in town and chow down!”
The ladies smiled and waved at Windy Wilson as he drove past in the
official loudspeaker announcement car of Del Chin’s restaurant.
Since it was the only Oriental restaurant for miles, the ladies
wondered why the advertising. If you were craving chow mein … you
knew where to go on Main Street to get some. But it’s rude to be
impolite. Windy kept cruising.
Doc stepped out of his office to wave at Windy and noticed that W.W.
had borrowed a necktie from someone to wear beneath his whiskers and
“I know you been askin’ yerself … self … how do I see to it that
ol’ Windy Wilson gits hisself a honorary college degree? One a-them
good ones with Alphonse Wilson spelled out right on the front …
Well, you could allas start yerself a letter-writin’ campaign to git
it done, a-course. [to top of second
column] |

“Let’s face it, Pard, jest
how many experienced cowboy camp cooks you know with a honorary
college degree? That there’s what I thought you’d say, if you ever
stopped and pondered it. Same as me … none.”
Windy drove the car down to the
park and turned around to bring the message back up. Kinda like
driving a tractor, he thought.
“And while yer figgerin’ out the honorary degree thingie for
Windy, you most as well be settin’ down and makin’ notes on the free
paper napkins at that there Gates of Heaven Chinese joint while you
bullsnake down some a-that Kung Pow Wow. So come on down to Del
Chin’s nice and clean Chinese joint and you can see right off that
his plates are clean enough to eat off!”
Doc was right, thought Windy. Real Americans never quit.
[Text from file received from
Slim Randles]
Ol' Jimmy Dollar