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One day, a man and a woman got married.  Things were fine, except in the area of communication.  The woman was very upset because the husband never told her that he loved her.  So on their 5th anniversary she finally asked him, “Do you still love me?”   To which the husband looked surprised and replied, “Well of course I love you!  Don’t you remember I told you that on the day we got married??”

In healthy relationships, we need regular affirmation that we are loved.  Dr. Gary Chapman brilliantly surmised that there are at least 5 ways that ‘love’ is communicated. These ways are through 1. affirming words; 2. quality time spent with another; 3. giving gifts;  4. acts of service; and  5. physical touch.  If you are married, it is good to recognize the main ‘love language’ your spouse needs to be receiving from you, because we speak different languages than our spouse does sometimes.  If you have not been feeling very loved by your spouse, check and see whether or not they are speaking to you in the love language you need to receive and then address that with them.  These languages of love are in our other relationships as well,  like our kids, parents, and others.  Learning to speak in someone’s love languages can significantly improve our relationships.

Jesus desires not just that we believe in Him, but relationship with us as well.  Do you realize He speaks to us in descriptions of relationships?   “Yet to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become CHILDREN of God” (John 1:12).  And many times God calls His Church His “Bride”; “For your Maker is your HUSBAND, the Lord of hosts is His name…” (Isaiah 54:5, Rev. 21:9;  19:7).  He takes the closest and best relationships we can potentially experience in life and says, ‘this is how close I want our relationship to be’.

Over the years, my concept of  “going to Church” has evolved.  What I have come to discover is that coming to Church isn’t just to make a spouse or momma happy, nor is it just checking off some divine ‘to do list’ that Christians are supposed to do.  When I come to God’s House, He nurtures my relationship with Him.  All 5 love languages that people speak, God speaks to me here!  1. He speaks through the Gospel His love to me regularly, which a healthy relationship needs.  2.  I am spending quality time with him in worship (especially if the Pastor’s name is ‘McQuality’!...sorry, couldn’t resist!).  This is meaningful time spent.  3. He gives the gifts of forgiveness, and the gifts of encouragement and friendship through others here.  4.  He serves me in innumerable ways and helps me in both soul and body, through His Body, the Church.  5. And in a special and mysterious way, He is physically present and comes to me in Communion.  For it’s here that Christ says, “Take, eat, this is my body....take, drink this is my blood shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.”  In this meal, He is present to touch me in a unique and special way.  

Isn’t it wonderful that God does not just want us to merely believe in Him, but wants a healthy and wonderful relationship with us?!  We are so blessed when we know our Lord in a personal way!

Daily devotion by Pastor Dan McQuality, Grace Lutheran Church, 201 S. College St., Lincoln, IL

10:30am  Sunday Worship;  9:00am Bible Study


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