Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education
Board Approves Tentative Budget for FY23
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[July 20, 2022]
The Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education called
their regular meeting to order on July 18, 2022 at 5:00 PM in the
grade school learning center. All members were present except for
Doug Martin and Ashley Combs.
After Roll Call, the Board entered into Executive Session to discuss
items dealing with employment, compensation and the evaluation of
staff. The Board returned to open session at 6:00 PM.
Under Recognition of Public, there were no attendees requesting to
address the Board.
The Consent Agenda included the approval for the payment of bills,
the sales tax report, meeting minutes from June 20, 2022 and June
20, 2022 Executive Session minutes. Superintendent Lamkey informed
the Board that the Sales Tax revenues were not available at the time
of the Board meeting. President Cowan had a question concerning the
source of funding for the staff that attended the NWEA Fusion
Conference late last month. Mr. Lamkey explained that the district
receives supplemental grant funding through the state for the
improvement of instruction. The money can specifically be spent on
staff professional development, instructional resources and other
items related to student improvement. The Consent agenda passed 5-0.
Under Reports, Mr. Lamkey updated the Board on the progress of our
summer projects. The roofing project at the high school has begun
and work is being done to prepare for the replacement of the roof.
Ameren has postponed work on the gas line at the high school, but
hopes to complete work before school starts. The high school and
grade school paving projects are set to begin in late July or early
Mr. Lamkey then took questions on Mr. McVickers’s AD Report. Boys
and girls basketball programs, volleyball and soccer all had busy
summers with open gyms, tournaments, camps and league play. The
Board was pleased that our coaches were taking extra time with the
district athletes during the summer.
Mrs. Mott took time to encourage other Board members to attend a
summer professional development opportunity sponsored by the
Illinois Association of School Boards. On August 6th, she will
attend the workshop entitled “The Trust Edge”, that is designed to
build stronger board culture in relationships with administration,
staff and each other. The Board has interest in bringing the
training to Mt. Pulaski so that all members could benefit. Mrs. Mott
will report back to the Board in August on her experience.

In Unfinished Business, the Board postponed two motions concerning
the memorandum of understanding with the MPEA that would allow for
the addition of a zero hour calculus class at the high school. Both
parties have tentatively agreed and will seek approval of the course
at the August meeting.
Next, the Village of Elkhart asked for the district to write a
letter to Representative Butler and Senator Turner of support in
favor of the Elkhart TIF district renewal. In the previous month,
the Board gave verbal support for the project. The Board voted 5-0
to support the TIF.
Leading New Business, the Board approved the tentative budget 5-0
and will consider adoption of the FY23 Budget at the August regular
meeting. Policy Committee members Mr. Brown and Mr. Wilham conducted
a second reading of the policy update with the Board. The committee
highlighted a policy that would allow non-certified staff to be
compensated for days they are called for jury duty or subpoenaed as
a witness. Another item of highlight was the committee's
recommendation to keep the district policy the same in regard to
visitors addressing the Board at meetings. Visitors will still be
allowed 5 minutes each for up to 60 minutes of total communication.
The Board President may decide to extend the time period if a
majority of members see fit. The second reading was approved 5-0 and
the policy update was adopted 5-0.
[to top of second column] |

The Board then discussed the Capital Projects list for 2023. The
vote to approve the list was postponed until August, but items under
consideration include a grade school renovation project, 1963 high school
edition renovation and improvements to the outdoor sports complex. The Board
will prioritize and approve the list at the August meeting.
The Board approved the replacement of flooring in the grade
school music and band rooms 4-1. New lighting for the high school parking lot
passed 5-0 and the district instructional coaches were both given raises of 6%
for the upcoming school year. The instructional coach raises passed 5-0 and
Mrs. Lora and Mrs. Fricke then reviewed the Faculty Handbooks and the
Paraprofessional Handbook with the Board. The handbooks are designed to clearly
define the work responsibilities for all instructional employees. All three
motions were approved 5-0.

Mr. McVickers’s report to the Board displayed a large disparity
between our pay rate for officials and the average rate of our area. It is
difficult to find officials as it is and our low rates would make the task even
more difficult. The Board approved raising officiating rates to the area average
with a 5-0 vote.
The Board formally approved an agreement to purchase electricity through a
consortium sponsored by Future Green. The consortium allows schools to group
together to obtain greater buying power on what has become a very volatile
market. The motion passed 5-0.
The Board also voted 5-0 to renew the agreement with Logan County to maintain a
School Resource Officer for the upcoming year. Mt. Pulaski and Hartem school
share resources that allow each district to have a county deputy employed to
serve both school systems.
Mr. Lamkey and the principals lead a discussion with the Board concerning the
district Social Emotional Learning program, Capturing Kids Hearts. The
administration gave a brief
description of the program and touted its early success. Teachers will present
to the Board in August to better define how the program works.
The Board then directed Mr. Lamkey to seek a service to fertilize and weed the
district properties to create more vibrant and healthy lawns. Mr. Lamkey will
seek vendors for such a project and report to the Board at a later date.
In the wake of the Texas school shooting, President Cowan suggested and offered
to participate in training for the district staff at the beginning of school
inservice days. He would collaborate with Deputy Pharis and Chief West to
conduct the training. The trio of law enforcement, along with school principals
and counselors, will attend a training in August by the Secret Service and US
Attorney General’s office providing research and insight on the subject matter
of school shootings.
The Board then approved upgrading grade school furniture in classrooms, grades
PreK through 8. Mrs. Lora was instructed to collaborate with staff to determine
what their needs would be.
Mr. Lamkey finished New Business by reporting on the ESSER III budget for the
upcoming year. The budget has been submitted to ISBE to be approved. ESSER III
money must be used for student learning loss, resources that supplement
instruction and funding that supports salaries that were involved in recovering
from the pandemic.
The last item of business was the Personnel Report which recommended the hire of
Hannah Baker as MPGS Paraprofessional, Amanda Scattergood as MPHS
Paraprofessional, Ryan Davis as MPHS High School Boys Assistant Basketball Coach
while accepting the resignation of Sam VanRheeden as MPHS Custodian. The
measures passed 5-0.
The Board adjourned at 8:03PM. The next meeting will be August 15, 2022 at 6:00
[Sarah Farris
Administrative Assistant
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23] |