

A Way or The Way
By Pastor Larry Crawford
Open Arms Christian Fellowship Church

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[April 04, 2023]   “It really doesn’t matter whether it is Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed or someone else as long as you believe in God.” Those were the words of Ricardo, my Uber driver, who was driving me back to the Orlando airport from a recent trip for a leadership conference.

In a moment I had to make a decision. There was really only one option. I had just met this man. We talked about our families, the amazing weather and beauty of Orlando and now we were talking about something that was of eternal significance. To stay silent could mean that he goes through life believing that Jesus is just a way. To stay silent could mean that his family, his friends, and all the people who ride in his car may believe that Jesus is just a way.

So I said in a loving tone as I felt my heart aching for him, “Ricardo, I hear what you’re saying but I have to disagree with you. Jesus is not just a way. He is The Way…the only way. Let me explain.”

Then I proceeded to share the Good News…the best news ever…with him. I shared how God loves us so much He sent His Son Jesus to earth. How Jesus lived a sinless life even though He faced the same temptations we have succumbed to in our life. How He then went to the cross, in our place, and died for our sins. Then I shared the second significant reason Jesus is The Way, not a way. He was buried, but on the third day He arose again. Buddha is still in the grave. You can visit Mohammed’s grave and still find him there. But Jesus, you can visit His grave…I have…and He is not there.

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He is Risen!

Many people saw Him after He arose from the dead.

But the proof for me is how He transformed my life. When I made a mess of my life, He didn’t give up on me even when I gave up on myself. He came after me and made a way where there was no way because He is The Way. He can do the same for you.

Easter is not a story about A Way…it is a story about The Way.

As he got my bags out of his trunk…I handed him his tip. He said, “Stay with Jesus.” I said “Ricardo, you stay with Jesus too.” Why? Because He is not a way…He is the only way.


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