2021 Animal Stories
"Adoption Animals"

Every strange pet behavior has a reason
By Derek Hurley

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[April 04, 2023]    Pet ownership can be a wonderful thing. For those prepared to deal with the responsibility, a pet can bring years of companionship and fun. That preparation often means a good deal of research on things like finding the right food; figuring out the right environment for your pet; or narrowing down pet behavior.

That last point can lead to a lot of confusion, even once all the research is finished. Sometimes, pets do things that make us scratch our heads. More often than not, these are also the things that make us laugh (eventually- odd pet behavior is not always funny right away). Frankly, sometimes pets do really weird things. But that’s not to say there are not reasons for strange pet behaviors.

Even if it doesn’t look appetizing to people, dogs really do like their food. Many dogs will carry bits of food, or even their entire bowl, to another room at dinner time. This behavior may seem strange, but the dog knows what it’s doing. In the dog's mind, by moving the food, they are keeping it away from anyone that may steal it. Smaller dogs, especially runts, will do this to keep their food safe.

This behavior is a deeply buried instinct. One of my dogs does this, and no matter how often I remind her that her food is safe, or any other efforts we take to make sure her environment stays secure, she will always think she needs to eat her food elsewhere.

Dogs may move their food to another room that smells like a member of the family. To a dog, the scent of a family member means security, and that means a safe place to eat. In my dog's case, that's usually the bedroom. This means a lot of double-checking for crumbs before bedtime.

Another weird behavior in dogs stems from how they dream. Dogs do dream, just like most people. When they do, they often twitch or let out odd noises. This is a result of vivid dreaming, similar to how humans can experience sleep talking or walking. If your dog exhibits these behaviors during a nap, just know that they are indicative of REM sleep, meaning your dog is in a deep sleep cycle.

As for what dogs dream about, that question seems like it wouldn’t have an easy answer. After all, it’s not like we can ask them. But the most likely answer is that dogs dream about stuff going on in their lives, just like people do. Dogs likely dream about their owners, other pets in the house, daily experiences, or even their own anxieties. As odd as it sounds, dogs have stress dreams, too.

Knowing my dogs, they probably dream about running after the rabbit that they want to be friends with in the backyard, or the strangers walking outside. One of them really doesn't like when she can't see faces, so she probably has nightmares of people wearing hats.

Another odd dog behavior involves the passage of time. Some dogs, especially those with any sort of herding breed in their ancestry, are very aware of the cycle of day and night. This doesn't just mean that they know when it's time for dinner. This sense of time goes further than that.

My second dog knows when it's time for bed, and will get upset if we don't do so immediately. He does, in fact, throw a fit if we don't go to bed "on time." Usually this means flopping on the couch and sighing a lot- another weird thing that dogs do that is just as passive-aggressive as when humans do it.

The truth is that some dogs are very sensitive to schedules. If bedtime is consistent in the house, then deviations from that become a problem. As a result, some dogs will effectively try to herd their owners. It’s funny to think about it like that, but this dog takes his self-appointed job very seriously.

Dogs are not the only pet with odd habits. Cats come with their own unusual behaviors- or it can seem that way to people who aren't used to them. I didn't have a cat until relatively recently in my life, so I'm still learning what cats do and how they think. There is a logic to most things they do- just not a human logic.

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For example, my cat will often go downstairs into the empty basement and start to scream. That's not an exaggeration; we can hear her everywhere when she does that.

Cats will often do this before they are spayed or neutered. If this goes on too long, it may be a sign of physical distress. In my cat’s case, this is usually a sign that she wants attention, or wants someone to follow them.

Another odd cat habit is their desire to leave their food in a person's shoes. My cat has done this to me, although admittedly it has been a while. She did leave food in my girlfriend's lunchbox once, and that was frankly hysterical, especially given the reason for this behavior.

Cats will leave food where we can find it because, in a way, they think of people as other cats. Big, two-legged, loud cats that don't know how to be cats. This means that cats treat us like kittens, which is why they leave us food. Clearly we don't know how to hunt or feed ourselves, so it's up to them to feed us. It's the same reason why they scream in other rooms- it's their way of saying, "I'm in this other room! I want you to know that! In case you need me!"

One last example of weird cat behavior is the variety of noises they make. Cats can create so many little noises that aren't meows that it's difficult to know when you're actually talking to one. I use the word "talking," but truthfully that's a good way to explain it. Cats are incredibly vocal creatures, and it is actually possible to have a conversation with a cat.

As odd as it sounds, I talk to my cat all the time. She may not know many words (cats do understand some human speech, including their names), but they understand inflection and tone of voice. Cats are quite capable when it comes to "speaking" with people in this way. Cats are talking back- just not in our language.

The reality is that every strange pet behavior has a reason. Even for those moments where we can’t figure out why a pet does what it does, we can still boil it down to personality quirks, if nothing else.

Dogs and cats are a lot like people- social creatures that communicate in different ways. All it takes is a little more effort to understand one another.

Read all the articles in our new
2023 Animals Stories Magazine

Introduction 4
Every Single Pet Behavior Has a Reason 6
A Tail of Two Dogs
Part One - Ace
A Tail of Two Dogs
Part Two - Maverick
What to Consider Before Adopting A Pet 20
Humane Society of Logan County Application Explained 26
HSLC Offers Update On 2023 Building Project 30
And the Winners Are... 34

Pet Contest Photos by Category:

Cutest/Most Cuddly 41
Caught in the Act 58
Dress Your Pet 72
Best Expression 78
Non-Traditional Pet 96
Rainbow Bridge 100

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