Substance Use Prevention Coalition
holds August meeting
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[August 11, 2024]
Substance Use Prevention Coalition (SUPC) held its monthly meeting
at Lincoln Memorial Hospital in the Steinfort conference room. Grace
Irvin, Prevention Coordinator with Chestnut Health Systems,
conducted the meeting.
The youth alcohol campaign and vaping campaign will start in
September. The alcohol campaign has changed the slogan to
“Meaningful Moments”-- focusing on meaningful moments between
parents and kids. Prevention specialists are working on a poster
with the vaping slogan “Just Breathe” and updating logos.
The Illinois Youth Survey was completed in the spring and Irvin
should get a county report this fall, which she will share.
Youth Prevention Education specialists will begin scheduling
prevention education with Lincoln Junior High School.
Prevention specialists are printing updated cards for the Resource
Directory website Information is
updated on the website and now the administrator is working on a
facelift to make it more searchable.
Harm Reduction
There is no August update on the naloxone and testing strips
distribution vending machine at Family Custom Cleaners in Lincoln.
There is a question about where to replenish testing strips and a
plan to find out where to order them. The Logan County Health
Department receives naloxone from the state and puts a new case out
for public use every week. Naloxone training is included with CPR
training through the Logan County Health Department.

Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) is hosting
an Overdose Awareness Day on August 31 at Oxford House. There will
be four or five panelists on Facebook Live. Each person will tell
their story of being saved by naloxone. There is a recording on the
ROSC youtube channel of last year’s panel.
A Recovery Walk is scheduled for September 7 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at
Scully Park in Lincoln with speakers, food, and activities for kids.
ROSC is still hosting recovery meetings at the jail. They have made
50 information bags for the jail with support services information
for those released from the jail.
[to top of second column] |

A Recovery Walk is also scheduled
on August 14 at the riverfront in Havana. ROSC is still working
on getting naloxone distributed in Mason County.
Mollie McCain, Community Health Coordinator for LMH, is working
on the Community Health Needs Report, which will be finalized to
post online in November. McCain will attend the LMH board
meeting to present the report before publication. She meets with
the Advisory Board in September to discuss strategies for
implementation. The text
message campaign for freshmen at Lincoln Community High School has
launched with periodic texts regarding mental health, substance use
prevention, and relationship advice. One hundred and seven students
signed up to receive the text messages at freshman orientation at
LCHS on Monday, August 5. Students will receive a couple of messages
a month, as well as incentives. The campaign is starting with
freshmen at LCHS then expanding to all grades and then other schools
based on grant funding availability.

The environmental scan to assess alcohol marketing in
Logan County is underway. With the information gathered, the scan
will be compiled and presented. Marketing and placement of alcohol
is important because it makes it so easy to see and pick up alcohol,
especially for people who are struggling with substance use. Liquor
laws are community based and decided by cities and municipalities.
Hope of Fifth had a successful fundraiser. They are trying to move
forward and have a coalition meeting scheduled for August 23 at
noon. Veteran’s support meetings are still happening there, and the
veteran’s recovery meetings are moving to Thursday at 6 p.m. They
are working on the build-out for Carle with a goal of completion in
the next two months.
The next SUPC meeting is online on September 12 at 9:00 a.m.. The
next Community Health Collaborative meeting is at the Logan County
Health Department on September 5 at 8:30 a.m.
[Stephanie Hall]