Logan County Fairground hosts annual rally of the Illinois Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association

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[June 30, 2024] 

This week, the Illinois Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association held its annual rally at the Logan County Fairgrounds.

With about 350 IWSMRA members attending, many people in the community have heard the motorcyclists riding through town. People have seen members of the group around town at restaurants and various businesses. Some members said people have stopped and asked them questions about the group and what they do.

Several members have been sleeping in tents or campers at the fairgrounds, while others stayed in one of the area hotels.

The IWSMRA was established in 1998. The Motorcycle roads website describes the mission of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association as “an International Masonic Motorcycle Association comprised of Freemasons who aid and assist widows and orphans of Master Masons and supports local charities and educational institutions within each Chapter's local area.”

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With some members being part of the Shriners’ association, various chapters also provide financial support to the Shriners Children’s Hospital.

Illinois Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association State President Jonathan Book said, “this is our state rally. He described the rally as a family reunion of sorts “where we get together to fellowship and enjoy ourselves.”

Book said all association members are Master Masons and belong to Masonic Lodges. There are 27 Illinois Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association chapters throughout the state of Illinois.

Of the 27 chapters, Book said some are in the Northern part of the state near the Wisconsin border. Other chapters are in the Southern Illinois area near the Kentucky border. The Central Illinois Region also has several chapters.

What Book said the chapters do is “raise money to care for disadvantaged children, widows and orphans” in addition to supporting local organizations.

At the rallies, Book said, “every chapter brings an item, and we do bucket raffles.” Each year, the group raises a couple thousand dollars from the bucket raffles. Book said all the money raised from the bucket raffles goes to the Macon, Illinois Eastern Star activity fund.

Throughout the year, Book said each chapter does its own charity rides and fundraisers. The fundraisers bring in at least $70,000 in financial contributions from direct fundraising. When indirect financial contributions are added in, Book said the amount raised each year is over $100,000.

On Saturday, there were Illinois Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association members from various chapters enjoying food and fellowship. The association provides valuable services by raising funds all year to help provide care for disadvantaged children, widows, orphans and various local organizations. Their hard work is undoubtedly appreciated by those who benefit from the funds raised.

[Angela Reiners]

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