Logan County Board Zoning and Economic Development Committee hears recommended changes to Floodplain regulations

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[October 17, 2024] 

On Tuesday, October 15th, the Zoning and Economic Development Committee of the Logan County Board held a special meeting. This meeting, which was scheduled to start at 5:30 pm, was held in the first-floor courtroom of the Logan County Courthouse. The meeting did not begin until 5:45 pm. There were only three committee members present until that time, and four members are needed for a quorum, or the minimum number of members that must be present to conduct business.

The four members that were in attendance were committee chairman Keenan Leesman, vice chairman Dale Nelson, JR Glenn, and Bob Sanders. Joseph Kuhlman was able to make it before the end of the meeting, but Emily Davenport was not in attendance.

This special meeting was called to discuss Section 6 Floodplain Regulations. The section 6 refers to the sixth section of Logan County’s Zoning Ordinance, which is all about floodplains. Changes were being made to these regulations in order to bring them up to the state standards. It was stated that similar changes were made to the solar power regulations previously.

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Tracey Bergen of the Zoning office walked the committee members through the proposed changes to the floodplain regulations one at a time. The committee members were able to ask questions and point out problems with the changes.

Some of the decisions made were as follows:

• Determining how to track changes and improvements made to any property in a floodplain within the county. It was decided to track these improvements over a ten year period.

• An 18 month period was given to the county to put all of the changes into action.

• A $200 floodplain review fee was decided on, as there was no fee for that work earlier.

This meeting was followed immediately by the Logan County Board’s regular meeting. As soon as this committee meeting ended, the regular meeting began.

[Matt Boutcher]

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