There were many dogs in the competition, most of
them quite large, but a couple of smaller ones as well. The contest
which is labeled for all household pets, saw only one “non-dog” pet,
a blue and gray cat that was remarkable chill with all the dogs and

His young owners were quite proud of the cat and
enjoyed impressing people with how well behaved he was on a harness
as they put him on the floor of the stage, and he chose to just
stand there like a gentleman oblivious to the havoc all around him.

This same cat was entered into the costume contest
and was brought out by his little girls dressed as a chicken, and
sitting in a basket of eggs.
The contest had many categories including the largest pet, smallest
pet, the costume of the pet only, the costume of pet and parent, a
look alike contest and more.

In the largest dog contest, it was a family affair as
all three German Shepherds, two dark and one white ranked first,
second, and third in the contest. The largest of the three was Kie
the white shepherd.
[to top of second column]

In the costume category for the pet only guests saw a
bat, a witch, cowboys, halloween spooks and Sherlock Holmes. Some of
these animals returned for the second costume competition that
included the owner including the Bassett hound as Sherlock Homes,
the little witch, the cowboy and more.

In the look alike contest there was only one entry a
sheepadoodle that was gray and white dressed in lavender. The “pet
parents” said that the dog “looked like dad, but dresses like mom.”

Another interesting category was “so ugly it’s cute.”
There was only one entry in this competition a Shar-Pei in all his
glory. The dark haired dog was encased in his wrinkly skin but had a
sweet expression on his face and it clearly much loved by his owner
family, who said they didn’t really think he was ugly at all.
When all the categories had come across the stage, there was a team
of judges who had the daunting task of selecting a winner. While
some categories were easy due to the number of entries, others were
a little more challenging.
At the end of the competition, the first through third place winners
were called up front. The first-place winner in each category
received a gift card courtesy of Chris Coyne State Farm. The others
were permitted to select gifts from a table set up on the stage, and
all the pets received a participation ribbon.
[Nila Smith] |