Emden Sons of American legion host annual fish fry


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[January 27, 2025]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Pictures by Angela Reiners

Saturday, January 25th, the Emden Sons of the American Legion held their annual fish fry at the Emden Community House.



Sons of the American Legion members said that people were lined up outside the door when the dinner started at 4:30. Towards the end of the fish fry there was still a steady stream of people, so there appeared to be a good turnout for the event.




At the dinner, people enjoyed a donation only meal of fried fish, baked beans, coleslaw and French fries.
The Sons of the American Legion holds the annual fish fry to raise funds for scholarships. Two scholarships will be given to graduating seniors at Hartsburg Emden high school in May. Other money raised by the sons of the American Legion is used for various community events and needs.




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