2017 Worship Guide

2017 WORSHIP GUIDE Wednesday, December 6, 2017 LINCOLN DAILY NEWS PUBLICATION Page 27 I n late November the third and fourth grade students along with the Jr. High Choir of Zion Lutheran School had the opportunity to sing at Timber Creek. The selections were Christmas music. Unlike listening to the radio these were live voices belting out Christmas favorites. Hearing children sing Christmas hymns and songs I was emotionally moved and began to feel the pit-a-pat of the heart and the smile spread across my face. “Away in a Manger” asks the Lord Jesus to continually stay by my cradle and stay close to me forever. My imagination soared to the words of “Go Tell It on the Mountain” seeing the holy occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ in my head. Of course, even though it’s not a hymn, I have nearly always felt a tear when the Little Drummer Boy plays Par-rum-pa-pa-pum. I have yet to figure out if the song moves me or it’s simply the childhood memory of the Claymation sheep being run over by the chariot and the Little Drummer Boy crying over the death of his beloved Baabaa. I must confess I am as moved by that song as I am still spooked by the Bumble on the Claymation, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, special. Go ask my children, I still can’t watch Yukon Cornelius, Hermey the elf, and Rudolph deal with Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster. Come to think of it, I’ve noticed that I have near the same feelings of Christmas warmth and smiles on the fourth of July when I hear the singing of “You’re a Grand Old Flag. ” My heart thumps when I read all the words of Zion Lutheran Lincoln Pastor Mark Thompson Matters of the Heart CONTINUED ....