2018 Home for the Holidays

Page 18 2018 Home for the Holidays LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 21, 2018 acting up Santa won’t come. This year, instead of using Santa as a threat turn him into a reward. When you child is generous or kind to someone, tell them that Santa saw that good deed and will reward them for it. And remember Christ While for kids the days winding down to Christmas become all about Santa and gifts, you can add Christ into the mix. It is okay for kids to love Santa and Jesus at the same time, they don’t have to choose, because to them both are important. Give them Christian Jesus-based activities, stories and songs, but also allow them to enjoy the mystical magic of Santa. On Christmas Eve bring it all together for them. Allow them their Santa activities, but when bedtime comes bring the Christmas Story to life for them once again. Do this with their nativity, let them tell you the story, or find an age-appropriate book that you can read to them at bedtime. Most importantly find the joy and awe in yourself Kids reflect. They are who they see, they emulate those who are their role models. So let the awe of Christmas fill you this season. You can reflect off of their joy and give it back to them, and the whole season will be brighter and happier. Don’t let the burden of the “to do” list take the joy and awe out of the season for you or your kids. With the passage of time and increased maturity, our excitement regarding Christmas may change. But our reason for celebrating grows deeper and more meaningful as our focus shifts from gifts to Christ. Now the tree reminds us of the tree Jesus died on to pay for our sins. The lights testify that He is the Light of the World, and the gifts are a mere shadow of the greatest gift ever given - Jesus Christ. Charles Stanley Alas! How dreary would be the world if there was no Santa Claus!... There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. FRANCIS P. CHURCH, New York Sun, September 21, 1897