2018 Wellness Expo

Page 14 2018 Wellness Expo LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Wednesday, February 21, 2018 K now anyone who owns a swimming pool? What do all operators of a pool do each day? Answer: They check the pH! They do this to be sure the pH is balanced. If not then little microbes et. al. will have some fun in the pool. Our body performs this pH check each day as well. Here’s how it works Every day the brain, liver and kidneys talk to each other. They find out what you ate the day before. If you ate more from the following list: Nuts, grains, meats, dairy, oils, and 95% of anything from a bag, bottle and box than from this list: Fresh fruits and vegetables Then your system will have created an acid environment. This is very important to understand because the body can no more live in a too acid pH than it should live in too alkaline (base) pH. Note: the pH of the body is 7.35. In order to balance the body back to its normal 7.35 pH our body has to go out and find some positive ions like Ca+. And where do we get this calcium? Our bone has to break itself down to put calcium back into the blood to help our pH get back to normal. Understand that our bones go through a constant breakdown and build up. This is what it is suppose to do. However, over time our bones can’t keep up with this process because of too acidic of a diet. The net result is bone loss, ‘osteoporosis.’ This is virtually the only way osteoporosis can occur. So understand, it is not the lack of calcium, it is the overabundance of acidic foods. So what causes the body to become too acidic? Animal protein (dairy included) is the biggest culprit. As far back as the 1920s experiments have shown that eating meats cause a big spike Osteoporosis: A different way to look at the leading cause CONTINUED →