2018 Worship Guide

Page 4 2018 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December 5, 2018 I t is as old a debate as they come. It has caused many disagreements among family and friends. Books upon books address it. It is still discussed today in coffee shops and college classes. Chances are you’ve even contemplated it yourself. I’m referring to the age-old question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? As tempting as it is to argue for one or the other, I want to hold up that whichever came first, isn’t it enough to be thankful for both? Sometimes, we get so caught up in the minutia—or even about being right—that we miss the point entirely. Often, we miss the simple gift that might be in front of us, right now. The Christmas season is no different. So much energy has been invested in how we communicate the gift of the Christ child with our words. Do we say this or that? Is it okay to use an ancient symbol for Christ (the X), or must we keep the whole word? In our efforts to promote our ideologies, we miss the significance of what happened in the Incarnation—the gift of Love in the child Jesus. Isn’t that the reason for the season? Those who walk along the Jesus Way to God remember that Christ interrupted humanity’s strange obsession with being right and powerful. Christmas reflection CONTINUE