2019 Home for the Holidays

Page 36 2019 Home for the Holidays LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 27, 2019 Creating holiday atmosphere: The magic of flickering firelight “ C hestnuts roasting on an open ...,” That opening line made famous by Nat King Cole prompts visions of a perfect holiday scene. Family and friends of all ages and generations are assembling, coming in from the cold, cold outside dressed up and feeling much like Eskimos. Festive songs playing in the background, prompting merriment, smiles and even dancing among those who are present. Holiday food and drinks are being prepared and served, the sights and smells savored, shared and enjoyed. At the center of this perfect scene is a fire burning bright in the fireplace that night, flickering, dancing flames lighting the room, the perfect smell of roasting chestnuts, the whole room lightly touched by just a perfect hint of smoke. The roaring, crackling fire warms all those close enough to enjoy its toasting affect, first getting roasted on the back side and then turning to cool, only then to get roasted on the front side. The firelight dances in the room, those gazing at the flames in a deep trance, hypnotized, mesmerized, faces with that far away look, flames thought provoking, fond memories invoking, the whole scene romantic and deeply satisfying to the soul. Nat King Cole singing Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Some say that when we humans see fire, we are transported back to our primordial roots, genetic memory from our primitive past when we captured and created and kept flames alive. Others say that when we are in the presence of fire it reminds us deep down of the great epic creation story, the Creator giving us light that we might see by day and by night. Continued u