2019 Education magazine

Page 10 2019 “Education making a difference” LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 for sixth through eighth grade students.” In December, students competed at the First Lego League robotics competitions against other schools within a 60-mile radius. The design of the lab was important too. As Coffey noted, “It was important that the space be 100% flexible and offer students many seating and standing options. All the chairs, tables, bookcases and even teacher desks are on wheels and can be moved in any fashion. We mounted TV monitors to the wall so that when students are collaborating they can display their Chromebook screen on a monitor so that all in the group can see and discuss their progress.” Coffey said, “We are making community connections with the Lincubate program that is run by Clint Pollock and has been supported by local businesses, including Integrity Data and State Farm. We are excited by the potential growth that this relationship will provide students and expect to develop a group of students with strong technological skills and abilities.” With these wonderful partnerships and community support students become more technologically savvy, a necessary skill in the twenty first century. [Angela Reiners] Eaton STEM Lab teacher Mr. Qualter’s explains a lesson to students.