2019 Education magazine

Page 16 2019 “Education making a difference” LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 Cheerleading requires discipline and high academic standards E ntering the Lincoln Junior High gym one early December afternoon, you could hear these words heartily chanted, “Lincoln Trojans one of a kind, we won’t let you down, first place this time!” It is the opening to a cheer created by the Lincoln Junior High Cheerleading Squad, who are now competing in large division. Cheerleading demands physical skill, team mentality, positive spirit, and discipline while maintaining high academic standards. Coach Miss Jessica Plummer has been the squad’s coach for the last two years. Their routine had to be three minutes long, have standing tumbling, running tumbling, quad stunt, and a pyramid sequence. At the junior high level, cheerleaders are only allowed one flyer up (added layer) in pyramid due to legalities and safety precautions. Assistant Coach Janet McFadden, who began in the middle of last year, helped Coach Plummer in getting the girls ready for competition. Last year the girls wanted to compete and this year they were able, but because of competition rules in their division, they were only allowed to start practice in October of 2018. “This gives us a chance to improve skill and modify the routine to increase our score,” said Coach Plummer. Mid-December, 2018, the Trojan Cheerleaders competed in an ICCA competition in Peoria and in New Berlin bringing home a first place plaque from the combined weekend competitions. CONTINUED