2019 Education magazine

Page 18 2019 “Education making a difference” LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 write an essay as to why they should be a cheerleader. In this way the tryout judges find the student’s passion in cheering and ability to be a team player. Coach Plummer said, “It is super important to communicate together during their pyramid building and that they have a cheering personality.” While a cheerleader, it is expected of each student that they will keep a high grade point average, and take a lot of discipline from the coach. They have to keep committed during the school year. Cheerleading practice lasts two to three hours. Their parents have to be committed too. Cheerleading Camp is each summer and they practice about six hours a day doing stunts, and quad stunts that consist of two sides, a back spot and a flyer up front. Jessica Plummer also coaches at Lincoln College. Sometimes the cheerleaders from the college come and give pointers to the junior high cheerleaders. One big help the college brings is their mats to practice on. Mark Perdue, the Athletic Director at Lincoln College allows the mats to be brought in, says Coach Plummer. “Because our mats are an obstacle, we have decided to have fundraisers in the future to buy new and improved ones,” said Coach Plummer. The cost for one lengthy strip of mat is between $680 to $720. Coach Plummer said they need nine strips to cover the whole end of the floor. The business community is responding with commitments from Momma’s Arcade; Shawn Taylor of the Bowling Alley, and Quality Inn. The LJHS Trojan Cheerleaders have a ritual they cheer before their competitions: Be loud! Be sharp! Stick it! Have fun! Then in a circle they each say, “I will,” and then all together say, “We will!” Cheerleaders: Eighth-graders: Peyton Bennett, Kaitlyn Shull, Jadyn Fish, Hattie Mourning, Taylor Boyer. Seventh-graders: Faith Bennett, Korinn Pardo, Kylie Boyer, Autumn Strohl, Izzy McFadden, Alyssa Buffington, Cydney Hanes. Sixth-graders: Jewel McDonnell, Gianna Massena, Audrey Meister, Jasmine Raymond, Reece Winebrinner. Head Coach: Miss Jessica Plummer Assistant Coach: Janet McFadden Manager: Gwendolyn Gill [Catherine Carkulis]