2019 Worship Guide

Page 12 2019 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December 4, 2019 R ecently, a little girl drew a card for God expressing her love for God. On the inside of the card, she wrote, “I wish you lived next to me!” Of course, I reassured her that God lives inside of her own heart, so God is closer than she even imagined. Although those who are reading this are likely not small children, we all tend to think of God as “out there” and not inside of our own hearts. And that, is what I believe Christmas teaches us. The birth of Jesus, was an actual physical event. Jesus was a baby born in humble estate, to parents who forgot to make reservations at the Bethlehem Inn for the census. Well, they didn’t have Travelocity back then, so I’m guessing it was first come, first serve and depended on who you knew in the city. And Joseph was with Mary, an expecting woman who traveled slow, and of course, he didn’t want to make a spectacle of themselves. . .so they end up in the barn. Where we need God St. John United Church of Christ - Minister Laurie Hill CONTINUE