2019 Worship Guide

Page 20 2019 Worship Guide LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December 4, 2019 W hen Jesus came to earth, by all outward appearances He appeared as just an ordinary Jewish baby. He didn’t arrive with any visible presence or shiny halo of God’s glory. Apart from divine revelation, no one would ever have known He was not like any other human being ever born. Angels had told Mary, Joseph and the shepherds about the one of a kind “ness.” The good news for us today is we have the Good News of Jesus in the inerrant, divinely inspired Word of God. The Bible tells us who He truly is. Jesus didn’t have a human father. He did fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah 7:14). Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in a virgin’s womb. He has existed eternally before His birth. Micah 5:2 says “his goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity.” Jesus was both born and given. In Isaiah 9:6, the Word declares “a child will be born” which signifies a human birth, but at the same time “a son will be given.” God gave His Son so that all who believe in Him could receive eternal life. This baby is the Savior. Jesus was destined to “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). That is why Joseph was told to name Him Jesus, which means “Yahweh is salvation.” As Christians, we have heard this information countless time. But today it is so easy to get caught up in the meaning of the manger without worshipping the wonder of God in human form. This might be a great time to pause and think how we truly view Jesus at Christmas. Let’s all remember to give Him top priority. Merry Christmas to all! The One (Matthew 1:18-25) First Baptist Church of Lincoln - Brother Ray Pepple